

02月07日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[陕旅三年级下册英语第28页句子有什么不同]重点句型和短语 一、 have fun doing sth. 【句型介绍】 意为\"做某事有乐趣\",其中have fun 相当于enjoy oneself,表示过得愉快。 1. 英语中的集体名词,如family, class, team等...+阅读

My report card In the past, I had bad grades, each report card parents asked me to show them, I remember once. That I had 60 points and showed them I can not, because exam is very bad, so I took the exam went into hiding, but eventually they found, and since then, I decided to study hard , So I could be proud of my report card to parents of


陕旅版小学三年级英语下册期中试卷My hometown is Xiamen. I was born there twelve years ago. Now I live in Fuzhou, the capital of Fujian Province. Xiamen is a beautiful city that many people visi...

求视频:三年级英语陕旅游版同步视频怎样才能下载到电脑上不知道你说的是什么,不过一般上网页里的视频可以用下面方法复制到自己电脑上: 在ie里,选择“工具”-internet选项-internet临时文件(设置)-察看文件,就能打开缓存文件夹。C:\Docum...

急求一篇50字左右的英语国庆作文The first day of National Day Holidays , we went to the countryside to have a picnic. We bought some cakes with us for lunch. We left quite early before there w...

晒晒我的成绩单作文晒晒“我的成绩单” 放假了,也领到我的成绩单了,看看,在各领域发展情况均打上了“勾”。 接下来,老师给我的综合评价:“你是这学期班上进步最大的宝宝,老师为你的进步感到高兴。你...

我的成绩单作文 800字阿把你成绩单贴出来 尊敬的老师~ 在以前的学习中,我没有认真努力,这次没考好,现在想起来非常后悔, 今天,我怀着愧疚和懊悔的心情,写下这份检查.以向您表示我的决心和悔改之意,只希望...

我的成绩单作文500字不要抄的急急急急急急急急My math teacher said I worded hard.My spanish teacher said I was good at speaking while my geography teacher said I did well in writing .I thougt I coud do bett...

英语作文:我的成绩单In the past, I had bad grades, each report card parents asked me to show them, I remember once. That I had 60 points and showed them I can not, because exam is...

急!一篇关于成绩单的作文6月25日,是决定我屁股开不开花的日子,因为今天是拿成绩单的时候。 我来到学校,教室里一片沸腾,一个同学眉飞色舞地说:“我一定考得上90分!”,另一个同学低声说:“我怕考不上90分了,一...

我的成绩单英语作文Dear Martin This is Percy ,today I got my school report card for final term exam.I was very nervous when I saw my English report.It was discouraging.I want very...
