

02月08日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Nowadays, with the development of our country and our city, there are more and more cars and factories. As as result, the problem for air pollution is getting more and more serious. We all know the air is not clean because there is much dust on the ground. In order to solve the problem, proper regulations concerning automobiles and factories should be carried out. Our government should set up stricter rules and standards regarding the amount of pollution that a factory can emit on a daily basis. Furthermore, our government can divide the standards into different categories on the basis of industries and the city's development scheme. As for transportation, it is hard and inconvenient to put limitations on when people can use vehicles and when they cannot. The most efficient way to regulate is to find new sources of energy. The new energy should be more efficient while also economically feasible. Our government can also evaluate the specific situation in each area to find out a specific plan to deal with the pollution problems in that area. By applying stricter rules and discovering new types of energy, I believe the air pollution problem will be under control and solved eventually.现在,随着我们国家和城市的发展,有越来越多的车子和工厂。




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