

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[小猫成长日记用英语写]My favorite animal is cat. I adopt a cat named Tom. He is a cute, clever and naughty cat. He has a friend named Jerry. They always play together. Tom also loves...+阅读

Today, i enjoy my leisure time with my buddy by going to zoo.Persuably beacause i burden heavy presure from school in my daily life,so the journey provide me with valuable opportunity.When i walk into park ,i watch beatiful natural landscape and some special sculptures.After a while , i get closely contact with wild animal and get a better understading of rare animal.During lunch time ,i have abundant meal with my friend, in so much as our main dish is meat and fast food ,so we bring some vegetable and fruit to here.After we have lunch,we going to fair ground to relax ourselves.Time like happy bird,the tour bring to the end.When i review my tour experience,i have to acknowledge that the zoo is paradise heaven.The valuable experience engrave on my mind. 今天我和挚友去公园享受休闲,因为平时总被学习压力所困,因此这次旅行提供我们一个宝贵机会。当我一步入公园,美丽自然风光和特殊的雕塑便映入眼帘。过了一会,我便与野生动物亲密接触,也对濒危动物有了很好了解。在午餐时间,我们有一个丰盛午餐,平时肉类与快餐是主食,因此我们还特意带来了蔬菜和水果。吃完午饭,我们去露天游乐园放松自己,时间过得飞快,这次旅行结束了。当我再次回顾,我不得不承认这个动物园是快乐的天堂,这次宝贵经历也永远印在我的脑中。


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