

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[用英语写篇如何保持好心情的作文]On Mood What accompanies you all your life is not fortune and fame nor youth and appearance, but your mood or the state of mind which controls your life. In the...+阅读

写一封信给你的朋友Glad,求助,英语作文 浏览次数:89次悬赏分:0 | 离问题结束还有 2 天 14 小时 | 提问者:鋈檒 写一封信给你的朋友glad,他下周一下午4点将从另一个城市乘飞机来看你,内容包括: :

(1) 不能到机场接站,向他表示歉意;

(2) 临时要出差(具体内容);

(3) 给我说他如何从机场来您家;

(4) 十分欢迎他到您家来。 输入内容已经达到长度限制 还能输入 9999 字 插入图片删除图片插入地图删除地图插入视频视频地图回答即可得2分经验值,回答被采纳可同步增加经验值和财富值 参考资料:匿名回答提交回答 回答 共2条 Dear Glad, In your last letter, you informed me that you will fly to see me at four p.m. on Monday. However, i am now very sorry to say that i cannot to pick you up at the airport. Because i will go on a business trip with my boss at that time. We will go to the factories in NanTong for examing the products. Please come to my house by taxi. My address is No. XXX, XX Rd, Shanghai. Welcome to my family! Yours, 鋈檒 回答者: ☆安安☆ | 六级 | 2011-4-21 10:33 Dear Glad, I am sorry that I can not keep the appointment of meeting you at the airport next Monday. Today I was told to solve an emergent problem in our branch company in Shanxi. And I will be absent the whole following week until nest Tuesday. But I will tell you the route to my apartment. The map and address is attached in the enclosure. And you can get the duplicate key from my neighbour just by telling him your name. Please enjoy yourself. I can not wait any longer to see you. Yours, Blabla


小猫成长日记用英语My favorite animal is cat. I adopt a cat named Tom. He is a cute, clever and naughty cat. He has a friend named Jerry. They always play together. Tom also loves...

英语作文里出现两封信怎么办啊就是2016高考作文我的请教信里加了没事的 I am a senior from the Department of Business Administration of Beijing University. I am writing the letter in purpose of applying for admission into you...

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高一英语作文求职信范文芳求职信/求学信:例文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter applying for a position of a company. You should write at least 120 wo...

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一个简单的英语80词作文初一水平My last weekend Last weekend , it was a good day and a bad day . Here is the good news . I went to the park with my brother . They were very nice : the blue sky...

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急求!英语写信商业作文Hi Bob, As mentioned in our last call, i am very intested in your products. But it is expensive, would you help cut down your price by 25%? Then we may come to...
