

02月10日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[高一英语作文求职信范文芳]求职信/求学信:例文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter applying for a position of a company. You should write at least 120 wo...+阅读

你好 我在美国上大三 有较强论文水平 希望能够帮助你 Festival of Lanterns. I spent the Festival of Lanterns with my grandparents this year. My family went to my grandparents' home and had dinner with them. We had lots of sweetdumplins. After the dinner, my grandparents and I went out to play fireworks. We had a very good time together. 我今年元宵节是和我姥姥姥爷过的。 我爸爸妈妈和我都去了姥姥家, 和他们一起吃了晚餐。 我们吃了很多元宵。 晚餐过后,我们一起出去放花。 我们在一起过得很愉快


求一篇高中英语作文各位帮帮忙李华 16岁高中生给餐馆写一份求Dear Sir My name is LiHua,a senior student,16 year old.I got the news in the newspaper that your restaurant would employ waiter.I am need to be employed. I can...


一个简单的英语80词作文初一水平My last weekend Last weekend , it was a good day and a bad day . Here is the good news . I went to the park with my brother . They were very nice : the blue sky...

初一英语80词作文Last Sunday,Xiao Ming wanted to play football with his friends,Xiao Gang an Xiao Qiang. So he threw his dirty socks to his mother and asked his mother to wash t...

七年级英语小作文6080词In the past, there are a great deal of old and short houses, many people dressed in the same clothes, the market is small and dirty, but now great changes has h...

急求!英语写信商业作文Hi Bob, As mentioned in our last call, i am very intested in your products. But it is expensive, would you help cut down your price by 25%? Then we may come to...

开学后的七天小学生日记夏天的太阳蒸发了谁的稚气?小小肩膀,是书包的依恋,要背负着自己的梦想,父母的期望,老师的肯定。 开学这些天,很茫。 人潮浪至,一张张陌生的脸,就想起了谁的容颜?这么多这么多结伴的学...

小学生三年级怎样的国庆长假作文国庆放假期间,我走出家门,啊!林荫道上,超市里,到处都热闹一片,每个人脸上都洋溢着喜悦。 我随着一阵热闹声,来到了公园。公园里,到处都挂满了灯笼。我被一阵锣鼓声吸引了,走前一看,一...

未来的世界300作文小学生三年级未来的世界 未来的世界环境优美,生活方便,科技发达。天空蔚蓝蔚蓝的,上面还有一朵朵白云,好像一团团棉花。原来每家人的烟囱上都有废气消毒过滤机。咦,车子后面怎么没有烟呀?原来...
