

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Computer have changed my life

My mother bought a computer for me. I'm very happy.Because computer is wonderful.I can make computer of do something.

When I happy--In the past ,I only watches TV. But now ,I can make computer of listen to music, talk with my friend,see the movies and so on. When I boring--In the past, I always slept.But now , I often make computer of write something,read news, play computer games and so on.It's too interesting!

Computer have changed my life ,I like it and I love sciend!



当我开心的时候--在过去我只能看电视。但现在我能用电脑听音乐、和朋友聊天、看电影等。当我无聊时--在过去,我只能睡觉。但现在,我经常用电脑写一些事,读新闻,玩电脑游戏等。真是很有趣 !


备注: 能力有限,只能帮这么多了。


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