

02月15日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求英语美文100字左右有中文翻译十篇以上每多一篇悬赏高5附]100字英语美文摘抄(1) Life is full of confusing and disordering Particular time, a particular location, Do the arranged thing of ten million time in the brain, Ste...+阅读

wheel is beyond the clutch, gear reducer one key transmission components, the dimensional accuracy, shape accuracy and position accuracy requirements are not very high, processing of the same type of parts than other high a lot. China's self-developed "Star Wheel Drive" technology can make equipment machinery on the accelerator, retarder, speed governor, transmission has smaller size, enhancement, and reduce imports. This article discusses the process of star wheel fixture design process planning Ji Qi-wheel rigidity rather poor, prone to deformation, and the arrangement process procedures, the need to finish the main surface of the rough process 。

Gradually reduce the machining allowance, cutting force and the role of internal stress and deformation after the amendment process can last up part of the technical requirements。 Its type in the batch production, so the processing object is a cyclical change. The development process of Star Wheel is: Cutting - Rough - Rough Boring - semi-refined car - semi Precision Boring - Milling - drilling - grinding pin - Final Inspection. Simple structure and assembly fixture design and high is the thrust. Dedicated fixture design drilling: Vertical drilling holes in a horizontal position with processing. The positioning of base level, clamping the positioning surface of the workpiece for clamping the top. Screw clamp body. Use fixed drill template. 星轮是超越离合器、减速器的主要传动部件之一 ,其尺寸精度、形状精度以及位置精度的要求都不是很高,加工性较其他同类型的零件高了很多。


因其生产类型是中批生产,所以其加工对象是周期性变换。制定星轮的工艺过程为:下料--粗车--粗镗孔--半精车--半精镗孔-铣面-钻孔-磨销-终检。 结构简单和装配性高是夹具设计的主旨。设计钻孔专用夹具:采用立式钻床,带加工孔处于水平位置。制定定位基准面,夹紧件由工件顶面向定位基准面夹紧。采用螺旋夹紧机构。选用固定式钻模板。


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