
急!需要一篇80 100的英语叙事作文

02月16日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急急急!咱需要一篇赞美牛的童话]牛说:“我吃的是草,挤出来的是奶和鲜血。” 我是一头牛,我热爱生活,我喜欢自由,喜欢在漫步在绿色的草地上,喜欢侧窝与大树的阴凉,喜欢畅游在水塘里的感觉,喜欢这里的一切。 这个草原...+阅读

An unforgettable birthday In the school holiday I got an unforgettable birthday. It's on the Sunday of July 13th. 13th of July was a wonderful day, because on the 11th and 12th it was raining all day, but on the 13th morning, the rain stopped. The sun looked like a benevolent old man and he try to smile and said “Hello” to me. When I finished washed my face, and went out of my house, I felt very happy and good. The air was fresh, the sun was warm and birds were singing in the trees. At 11o'clock my friend Christine messaged me saying “Happy birthday” and I asked her to go shopping and did some interesting things. She said “OK”. Then my dad take I to she's road. We walked together, and shopping in the steel. It's about 12 o'clock we went to super market to buy a cake and some candle. Unfortunately, we didn't have fire, because we were too young, they didn't sell to us. Then, we went to KFC to have lunch, before we to ate Christine said to me to make a wish, and I closed my eyes and made a wish. When I opened my eyes Christine give me a surprised---------a special gift. And we cut the cake and they said “Happy Birthday to Xiuting, Xiuting is sixteen already”. When we finished lunch, we went to other friend Xiaozhen's house. In Xiaozhen's home we watched video and played puzzle. Yeah… it is an unforgettable birthday, because I was really happy. I got friends to celebrate my birthday and last I really want to say “Thank YOU” to my friends.


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