

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[有关第一次撒谎作文]第一次撒谎 在每个人的记忆中,都有不可抹去的第一次。在我的心里,有着许许多多的第一次,但给我印象最深的却是第一次撒谎。 一次,奥数班的数学王老师正在查谁作业没交。他把查出...+阅读

很多篇选一个合适的吧4-A breach run Results: taking four A out to the audience to see. . Then put the top. . Start the table to four A-open. Then take a caving below. Hand ring for a fight. A run of the above. Above repeatedly used a release. . Hand ring for a fight. A running below the. Below caving repeatedly used a hand ring for a running play above! Among repeatedly used an interpolation. . Hand ring for a fight. Hey ~? ? Not above. . Ha ha. . Below! Practices: taking four A look at the audience when put in a multi-A space below license. Points can then take to the table when the first card is the last card plugs into the middle! On the other done on the effect of the above! 2: Fables Magic Results: taking a piece of paper to write on two cards. For example:-2 and 2. But the audience not to see. Paper licenses will be inserted in the middle. Then turned to the audience to see. . Paper was trapped in a red 2 and Black 2 between! Practices: on paper is about the top and bottom of the license. . Interpolation is getting better. The audience turned to look at the paper at the right hand holding the first half of the dorsal face of paper. Below left that part of the pressure on the paper. . Give the audience a misconception! 3: Third licensing Fables Results: laundered license. The license to the audience. Let the audience to Set licensing arbitrarily divided into three on the table. Magician can know that the top three licensing Let's talk about what is a license! Practice: First, the top should know Let's talk about licensing. . When unable to wash the top那张washing into! Divided into three minutes later. The first is that you remember above Let's talk about licensing. The second is at the top from the first points above the license. Third is the second top starting points above the license. Then the top third of the license card was fable that! 4:4 A top Results: the licensing divided into four. Pick up first. With the above in the first three cards to the first below. . Then from the top of a card with a license to each other on a third license. Put aside the first license. With its second license. The first license and do the same thing. With third. Fourth licensing different! After the release End! Four A's on the top of each card! Practices: Magic at the start of four A in the above licenses. And click on the above release naturally in the top! 5: unity of the three K Results: taking three K out. . To the audience. Magician then put on the table their own in-kitchen. Let the audience in the kitchen release-K. Add a magician. Add an audience. Also take a magician. Viewers caving section 3! The table on the licensing of license on his left hand. Shouting and unity. Open the top of the three. 3 K on again together! Practices: prior to the first four K on the licensing section 2 below. That is the first three positions! According to the above approach will do! A very interesting poker magic, reason is very simple, as long as you show capacity in place, VAR or missed, then began teaching less nonsense. First, we opened with a poker when sneaked back a card. Method: novice can use four fingers in front licensing push, thumbs fixed first live poker. Push left the right! ! This time the audience to see the first card, in fact it will become the first two of the. We call it the audience casually previous 12 inside a card in mind, remember that the flower color and license licensing position, say is the first four. Then we put together a license, we can not ask the audience to see us back the card. Viewers see a license after the first four would become the first five, we count 4, the fact is that the audience saw the first three, he plugs into the card to the middle, viewers see the first four on the first in the licensing. There are 2 shows, you can give the audience blowing in one breath that you will become the first license you believe. Oh this is a The first two kinds that you ask the audience, you birthday is a few months? Licensing can appear in the first few, say 3. Told the audience拿住whole Deputy card, just think that the licensing. You put a card on a table in the audience to see the license go down in the first, three course not look at the audience, so the audience will laugh you, but he does not matter Immediately a nice, do you explain to him, you may not focus on just think, you want to come back once. You put a few down three unlicensed put the whole of the top card, the first on just become the first three. Told the audience拿住licensing think that once he has the license, once again a few 1 2 3 of the audience to see that. A: [Share] empty-handed change coins! Extending his right hand, palm to the audience, and then use his thumbs were shells index finger, ring...


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