[写一篇我的作文200个字左右急写一篇我的作文]信的我 我,一个自信的女孩,在成长的海洋中,我享受成功的快乐与失败的痛苦,他们总是时不时,陆续地敲着我的门,在它们的伴随下成就了一个自信的我,接受着风雨的洗礼。 紧张忙碌的期中...+阅读
With job-seeking and job-hopping becoming a way of life, many enterprises base their recruitment policy on the job interview. Whether this is an effective approach remains to be seen.
Many people think the job interview is a very good way of telling excellent people from the average. The theory is proof-worthy. In a face-to-face interview the applicant shows the best of himself and directly impacts on the interviewer. Supporters in favor of the job interview as a very effective method think the first and direct impression is always the right impression, and by direct interviewing, the enterprise won't fail in its decisions. Other people may have negative opinions. They think the job interview is not the right way of telling whether the interviewee is the right person, for luck may play a very important part. If the interviewer chances to have prepared well for the questions he is asked, his chances of being appreciated will be great. And if the enterprise chooses him, he may in time prove inefficient or incompetent.
Those people who are against the job interview say the traditional written exam is comparatively more objective and effective. I think there is nothing wrong with the job interview. But, it shouldn't be the sole criterion for the final decision.
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