

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[一个特殊的生日作文]以下这篇文章《一个特殊的生日作文》中心不突出,描写不生动,表达欠文采 一个特殊的生日作文 每增长一岁,我的感受都不同。今年,我过了一个特殊的生日。 在生日的前一天晚上,我通...+阅读

Last Sunday , Wendy celebrated my ninth birthday. my mother threw a birthday party for me . On that moring , She woke up early to help her mother prepare the food and drinks for the party . Then I waited eagerly for the guests to arrive. At eleven o'clock,her friends finally arrive. Each of them gave her a beautifully wrapped present and merrily wished her "Happy brithday". After everyone had arrived, they tucked into the delicious food. After eating , they played a game of" blind man's buff" It was a very fun and exciting game. By evening time , the guest had to leave. she bade everyone farewell and thanked them for the presents.It was truly a wonder... Happy brithday", Wendy celebrated my ninth birthday; It was a very fun and exciting game;s buff". my mother threw a birthday party for me ; blind man', they played a game of". On that moring , they tucked into the delicious food. After eating . she bade everyone farewell and thanked them for the presents. Each of them gave her a beautifully wrapped present and merrily wished her ", She woke up early to help her mother prepare the food and drinks for the party .It was truly a wonderful and fun day. Then I waited eagerly for the guests to arrive. At eleven o'clockLast Sunday ,her friends finally arrive. After everyone had arrived. By evening time , the guest had to leave 展开


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