

02月17日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求一篇旅游作文500字左右]江南小游 顺着江南的小桥流水,我在云影波心中端详这幅美丽神奇的江水风情画。 流动的水,绿得靓丽,绿得深邃,我俯下身子,轻轻拨弄湖水,俨然低矮的房子,加上我被映入了流动的画卷之中...+阅读

Hello everyone, I'm …You can call me… I am a sunny and hard-working girl from Class 79 ,Grade 1 of CE JING Middle School. It's my great honor to take part in this oral competition. The title of my speech today is “Traveling and Reading”e68a84e8a2ad3231313335323631343130323136353331333262366436 As an ancient Chinese saying goes, “He who travels far knows much”. In my opinion, modern life is impossible without traveling. For me, there are two kinds of traveling. On the one hand, traveling on foot brings me many benefits. It can make me enjoy my holidays and many different life styles; it can broaden my vision, let me learn more about other countries or cultures. On the other hand, reading is another kind of traveling. It can bring me to the places where I can not go for the time being. Books are the best friends of human being. Books make my eyes and imagination enjoy the beautiful scenes through writhers' wonderful description. I have been to Beijing, Nanjing, Shandong, Hangzhou, Suzhou and other places. At the same time,I have been reading many books of different world-famous writers. The places I've been to and the places I only travel on books both impress a lot on me. The above I mentioned is two kinds of my traveling. Wish you share with me my experience of traveling ,no matter Whether traveling on foot or on books.Wish you enjoy my speech today .Thank you!


求一篇写景的旅游作文 500字“一年之计在于春,一天之计在于晨。”星期六,我们一家踏上了春游之路。沿着雪人路向东来到樱花大道,两旁姹紫嫣红的樱花争奇斗艳,有些树上还结出了红红绿绿的小樱桃。 走着走着,...


求一篇1000字左右的泰国旅游作文泰国旅行记来源: 去年寒假,妈妈带我去泰国旅游了。 那天,我们从广州抵达香港启德国际机场。我们乘飞机于下午2点起飞,3个小时后,抵达曼谷。这时,正是泰国的凉季(泰国一年分为雨季、...


求一篇描写旅游胜地的作文神奇的洞金山卧佛 在美丽富饶的内蒙古版图上,在如诗如画的乌兰察布岱海湖畔,在巍巍的蛮汉山脚下,在凉城县三苏木乡水塘村北一公里的山上,有一个非常奇特的景观——洞金山卧佛。...



关于一篇去敬老院的作文走访敬老院 今天上午,组长打给我电话,告诉我中午12点半,大家要去敬老院看望老人,带好水果。 我们集合在家得利门口,组织分配好工作,我们就出发了。过了半个小时,我们到了敬老院。行...

写一篇去美国游学的英语作文the city of qingdao the city of qingdao lies in the east of shandong province. it is famous for its blue sea and beautiful beaches. qingdao is a wonderful place...
