

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[语录体形式的作文]语录体形式的作文【1】 走过了十几个春夏秋冬,读过了九年义务教育,这期间,我遇到了数不清的烦心事儿,说不尽的艰难历程,还有生活中大大小小,零零碎碎的问题,在父母的开导、帮助下,我...+阅读

Dear Dr.Huffman,

The World Economic Forum will be held in Bei Jing National Science and Technology Park during April 10th and April 12th, it will be a great pleasure for us to have your honor visiting WEF on your convenience time and give a speech and answer some random questions for an hour.

we are happy and looking forward to your prompt reply.

Li Hua

organizer of WEF


英语话题作文一份英语邀请函Dear Mr.and Mrs.Tim Smith, Hello.We are the *** Company,in order to show our thanks to our clients for their good cooperation,we are to hold a costume dance at...

初一英语易错题用适当形式填空一、用适当的介词完成下列句子。(只选了易错的啊) 1、I can see a map _____ China _____ the wall. 2、Please sit next _____ me. (答案:1、of;on 2、to) 二、按要求转换句型。...

跪求中考英语家长会邀请函作文!Dear Mr.zhao, I would like to invite you to the parents' meeting, in No.2 school at 8:00,on Sunday ,March 10th.We will discuss how to improve students' achievem...


写一篇英语作文便条的形式约80字左右coming Saturday, there will be a trip to the factory. we will gether in front of the school at 8 am . We will all go by bicycle. Please be punctual and bring al...

求一份考研英语小作文邀请函的模板模板一:图画作文 This illustration depicts_________ (图画中的人物)Ving, with______________(补充说明). Recently it has become common for people in many walks of life t...

英语邀请类作文自己写的,希望对你有帮助~~ Dear Mary, This is XXX. . I will hold a graduation party in my family at 4:00pm after graduation ceremony on Jun,27th .I sincerely invi...

以海报的形式写一篇有关英语角的作文Learning English just like learning any other language, is hard work so my first advice is to spend much time practicing using English every day. Besides, we sh...

英语换题作文一篇英语邀请函INVITATION Dear Mr. and Mrs. Tim Smith, We're so glad to inform you that a costume dance will be held on Friday. As our reliable clients, it is our company's ho...
