

02月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[运动会加油稿200字左右]《艳阳下的歌》 朝阳的金色洗亮了跑道, 青春的旋律谱成了这首歌, 充满激情的心是这首歌的音符, 花季的少年火热的心, 永远的真诚不变的心, 你的身影是跑道上的风景, 矫健的步伐迈...+阅读

由于是解说稿,所以采用口语化的翻译,供参考。Bridge is the symbol of human civilizations; it is also the fruit of social prosperities.This bridge is designed to be located over the Qingxi River, an area with a rich cultural heritage and a long history.My design is to construct the bridge into a roller-shaped single-log one, with some distortions and twists in its shape.This bridge combines its roller-shaped inside tunnel with the multi-curves in its exterior structures, so it gives people the impression of something unknown. This bridge shows derivations and offers a strong sense of vitality and motion.Through this bridge design, I want to express the challenging suspicion over the stereotyped fantasies.One may just imagine, the multi-cured exterior structures contrasts with the straight inside tunnel, this will endow the bridge with a brand new characteristic.When pass through this bridge, people will find a unique perspective of the bridge and a new meaning of this city and this river.


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