

02月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[近年来的中考作文题目]2010山东莱芜中考作文题目:成长,伴一路芬芳 2010湖南衡阳中考作文题目:爱,让生活更美好 2010湖南株洲中考作文题目:我在______中成长 2010吉林中考作文题目:端午的味道 材料作文 2...+阅读

in imformation age, the sicence and technology have exerted on our daily life in general is undeniable. as it did, a vast majority of people can get a computer easily. consequently, if first year students on campus should carry a computer with them is put in general public. i deem that there are both advantages and disadvantages.

information flows at the touch of the key. as a result, it is true that internet can make students' life more convienint, not only for study, but also for everydday's life. as you see, there are a wide array of sources of information online, and students on campus really need to collect much information everyday, especailly the day when professors left much papers. in addition, carrying a computer could also benefit their daily life. my brother, for instance, is fresh in university. he told me that he was very busy finishing school works. and he even did not have any time hanging out or playing football with his friends. so, shopping online is a very good way for him to have relaxation and it also helps him save lots of time.

however, it is also indisputable that carrying a compu


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近几年来中考作文题目in imformation age, the sicence and technology have exerted on our daily life in general is undeniable. as it did, a vast majority of people can get a computer...
