

02月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[大学英语4级作文范文]The Positive and Negative Aspects of Sports 1.体育运动的好处. 2.体育运动可能带来的副作用. 3.我参加体育运动的体会. 范文: To a Chinese, the task of learning Englis...+阅读

我们老师给的,很不错哦对比选择模板二:① quite a few/ a lot of people believe/ takeit for granted that 某人观点或做法。②even some people 进一步说明该观点或做法.③However, I hold the entirely differentview./ I don't approve/favor 这种观点或做法./ I don't think 该观点或做法的不当之处.//①(Nowadays /Inrecent years,)一种现象.②Some 一些人的看法或做法,while others 另一些的看法或做法. ③ As to me, Iprefer to /am in favor of the former/latter(opinion) (提出观点段)④ Of course, 我不赞同观点的合理性.⑤ For example, 支持其合理性的例子、(Also,)进一步阐述其合理性.⑥ But it doesn't mean/ it is worthnoting that 我不赞同观点的不足.⑦From my point of view/ In my view, 我的不同观点.(反面论证段)⑧The following reasons can accountfor/ contribute to /support my argument.⑨ First, 理由一.⑩ A goodexample to illustrate is 支持理由一的例子/进一步说明理由一.11Second,理由二. 12 To conclude/From the foregoing, 重申观点.第二类:问题解决型1. 现在很多年轻人缺乏拼搏精神2. 导致这一问题的原因是什么3. 大学生应该加强拼搏精神问题解决型模板1描述问题段Nowadays / In recent years, there are (still)/ have been quite (a)few people 或其他涉及人群who 做法、看法./ (still) more and more/(still) quite a few/ few people (still) 或其他涉及人群的做法/看法. However /Indeed, 这种做法/看法的不当之处/危害性/表现. Even worse/ besides, 进一步说明该做法/看法的危害/表现.// Nowadays/ In recent years, 问题is /are becoming / have/ hasbecome a serious problem/ 问题 is getting more and more concern/ drawing wide attention.问题表现一. Even worse/Besides, 问题表现二.说明原因段 Thereare many factors resulting in/ influencing 该问题./Many reasons contribute to 该问题./该问题 is due tothe following factors/ reasons. Among these, 原因一plays / play a vital role/ is an important one. 进一步阐述原因一. What's more/ In addition, 原因二. 说明方法段 Consideringthe seriousness of 该问题/ the great harm brought by 该问题/ the importance of 该问题, I think it is high time 采取行动或措施/ we paid more attention to 该问题。

Firstly/ Above all, 方法一. Secondly/ Moreover, 方法二。 Thirdly/Besides/ In addition, 方法三. To conclude / In a word, it is everyone's responsibility to 为解决该问题付出努力/ it depends on commoneffort from 对解决问题起作用的人to 最终解决该问题. / It is an urgent thing 解决该问题. / Only in this way/ throughthese ways 该问题才能解决。 How to Improve the Parent-child Relationship1. 父母与孩子之间的代沟越来越大2. 造成代沟产生的原因3. 如何消除代沟,并改善父母与孩子之间的关系问题解决型模板2. 描述问题段(As manypeople know, / It is generally accepted that)总数该问题. 表现一/作用一. Additionally, 表现二/作用二. Therefore, how to 总述该问题is worth paying more attention to / more attention from 应该关注该问题的人群. 说明方法/因素段The following ways can be adopted/ Someeffective measures have been taken to 解决该问题./ Many a factor plays an important role in 解决该问题. Firstly/Above all, 方法一/因素一. Secondly/ Moreover, 方法二/ 因素二.Thirdly/ Besides/ In addition, 方法三/ 因素三. 阐述观点段As for me/ As far as I am concerned, 我的建议或看法. “我”的理由一. Besides/ In addition, 我的问题解决型模板3. 描述问题段Nowadays/Recently/ In recent years, 问题has become quite a serious problem in 问题存在的主要范围/ has aroused widespread attention/ concern form 关注人群. 问题表现一/原因一/重要性一. What's worse/ In addition, 问题表现二/原因二/重要性二. 说明危害段( It is very clear that / As everyonesees,) 该问题 is /arebringing great damage/ harm to 危害对象/ 该问题produce(s) harmfuleffects in many aspects,/ (Though 该问题可能不太严重的表现,)该问题 can bring great negative effects (on 影响的对象)》 Above all / First of all, 危害一. 进一步阐述危害一. Furthermore/Moreover/ Even worse/ What's more, 危害二. 说明方法段Undoubtedly/ Considering the seriousness ofthe problem, it is an urgent thing (for us to take effective measures ) to 解决该问题./ We should pay more attentionto 该问题. Firstly/First of all, 方法一. 进一步阐述方法一./ Secondly/ Moreover, 方法二. Thirdly/ Besides/ In addition, 方法二/方法三. Only through these ways / Only in this way 该问题才能够解决. 第三类:现象解释型结构模板第一段:通过数据展示和现象描述,提出问题可能的原因有如下几个方面。

第二段:承接首段观点,对本段内容加以限制,分层次说明现象的原因。第三段:结论,简要提出建议。模板1:As is clearly sown by the (table, chart, graph), obviously there isa great rise in….., while there is a great falling in…..现象(According to the recent survey, 现象...


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