
急需一篇关于诚实与谎言的英文作文 500字左右谢谢帮助!

02月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[诚实与谎言作文]自古以来,诚实与谎言便是两个备受争议的话题。众多的名言警句一而再、再而三地阐述诚实的必要性、重要性,而生活中越来越多的真实事例也告诉我们有时需要善意的谎言。 诚实守...+阅读

We should not make it a habit. Honesty always the best policy. there are some situations where we can use lie for good concern.Lie is not always a lie and lie can be used for need base and lie can be used for some cheating purpose.So we deny lie using for cheating.It depends on the situation whether to tell a lie or the truth. Honesty is good,but sometimes not. Lie is bad but sometimes good. For example, your friend have witnessed a killing incident and it so happen that one of the criminals saw him/her, and are looking for him/her, then one time the group saw you and asked you, did you saw him/her whoever that is, would you tell them? Of course not.Cause if you do you loose a friend. But you tell a lie. Another. You accidentally hit a child, and the police knocks on your door, would you tell them that it's you and go with them? Or not? Of course i will. It is an accident, making me dodge the police will make me more suspicious and the police will think that i do it for a reason. lie maybe right and honest maybe harm more.Sometimes a white lie is needed. But usually, honesty is good.Children who lie to their parents do so because they do not want to be found out about some questionable activity that they have been engaging in. Perhaps they have lied about where they were spending the night because they knew their parents would not approve of their friend or what they were up to. No parent wants to find out that their children were smoking round a friend's house instead of staying over and doing their homework together. But if children are taught to practice honesty early on, they would be more likely to feel a sense of shame about their intentions, rather than do something bad and then try and cover it up. Children who lie to their parents will not be treated in the same way as those who are honest about what they do. Parents will not be keen to extend the same privileges to them in and outside the home. As a result, they will not be trusted.I know that if someone lies to me I do not look at that person in the same way and I lose respect and trust for them. A lot of hurt can be avoided if people learn to be honest. They will gain more respect, responsibility and have a good reputation among their friends, family and others. Telling the truth at all times takes effort. If you make a mistake, rather than try to cover it up, just own up to it and deal with the consequences. This should help you to avoid making the same mistake twice. No one wants to have a reputation as a liar, do they?


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