
跪求我眼中的好学生的英语作文题目是A straight A student in your e

02月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[作文我眼中的好老师 400字]屈指算来,截至到今天,曾经教过我的的老师可真不少了。他们当中,有的对学生要求十分严厉;有的上课很风趣;有的注重对学生能力的培养;也有的强调分数的重要。真是教学风格各有千秋。...+阅读

Everyone believes that with a high score, anyone can be a straight A student.Yet, to be frank, score does not means everything. We think it worthy of praise to study hard, however, we have been grown-ups, so we should take the responsibility for everything we should, especially respect others though we are successful.A straight A student is not only with hard work but also with good behavior.

I suppose a straight A student must be helpful, hard working, organized in his work, and generous in sharing his knowledge. In my eyes,to be a good student should also be a good child at home otherwise it is like putting up a show in school and then behave like a spoilt brat at home. It is therefore not easy to be a good student based on my definition.

I would like to become a I suppose a good student must be helpful, hard working, organized in his work, and generous in sharing his knowledge. To be a good student should also be a good child at home otherwise it is like putting up a show in school and then behave like a spoilt brat at home. It is therefore not easy to be a good student based on my definition.

I would like to become a straight A student .

如果能帮到的话 请采纳 谢谢~


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