

02月20日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[我的理想作文 500字以上]俗话说“:理想是人生导航的灯塔。”我说“:没有理想的人是一个没用的人。”理想是人类前进的道路,是我们奋发图强的号角。 那是我上小学三年级的时候,我看小说的时候,作家们的小...+阅读

Childhood is full of happy childhood is full of joy, full of childhood, the pursuit of the ideal. There is a song singing, "My future is not a dream, I lived every minute, my future is not a dream, my heart is fixed, hopes in hopes in." My dream is to be a teacher, let mountain area of the children out of the mountains, and let them become the backbone of the country. I once saw a newspaper article, write a mountainous children under 15 years old, the work of helping out at the costs of living. On many difficult to believe. At this time, I suddenly had a thought: after grow up to be 1 mountains area, let these teachers ShanLiWa out of the mountains, and let them equal to. One day, the teacher gave us a movie "the way to school, I more firmness, grasping this belief. In the mountains, where the poor people unconditional teachers, school, general knowledge is not high, contact less, so narrow-minded things outside. In order to let them to change the status quo. I want to be a qualified teacher, listen, read more honour heart spring, more extra-curricular knowledge, usually more and classmates, understand the students' psychological, now that I realized my dream is ready. If I really mountain area, the class teacher when I play with my students, to talk about their needs, give favorable help, to tell them a story. I will also be the difference, home far to the student, sick and I lived together. When you are free, to make them. I will use my store up to buy spring, stationery, etc to them. Open their vision, improve their extracurricular knowledge. Let them every one is excellent talents. I will also be city rhythm of life into their lives.


我的理想作文400字万物都有一扇门,而且每扇门的钥匙应该都不同。但是,却有一把万能钥匙可以打开任意一扇门,它就是"理想",远大的理想就是开启万物的钥匙。 "理想"是一个再普通不过的话题,可是每个人却...

我的理想的作文400字我的理想 理想对于每个人来说,都像天边上的一朵小彩云,拼在一起就是一朵五彩缤纷的云朵。我的理想当一名写儿童文学的作家。 我之所以有这个理想,那是因为一次看到阳光姐姐伍美...

我的理想我的理想是当一名医生作文 500字张海迪阿姨说过:”每个人2113的生命都是一只5261小船,理想是小船的风帆.4102”我的理想是一名老师。1653做一名没有伟大之称的老师。 妈妈从小就对我说道:“老师是一个神圣的职...

我的理想是当明星的作文 400字我的理想当明星 刚开学,同学们都互相问好,互相拥抱。我跟我的老同桌也不例外,收拾完桌子,见离上课时间还早,我们就开始大谈特谈了。 我们从寒假谈到春节,又从春节谈到电视节目,又从...

我的理想400字作文每个人都有一个梦想,一个远大的理想。包括我也是。我的奋斗,只为实现我的理想,完成我的梦想。 从小到大,我一直想当一名设计师。一名生活在舒适的环境里,无忧无虑的高级白领。 当...

我的未来梦作文400字每个人都有一个梦想的未来。我的梦想是将来要做一个旅人。 也许你们不知道什么是旅人,嘿嘿,让我无所不知的先知来告诉你们吧。 所谓的旅人就是到处旅游的人,通俗一点说就是流浪...

我的理想是做一名医生作文400字拜托快点谢谢有时我会刻意去问自己,自己的理想到底是什么?但总是追求不到答案,只是一个虚无渺茫的梦。 从小看到电视,看到有些人得一种怪病,这时我就害怕起来,害怕那些可怕的看不见的病毒找上...

我的未来我做主作文一篇周一交要求400字以上脱下鞋子跳舞 赤着脚太空漫步 我笑了你还装酷 阳光晒过的路 正好是年轻的温度 温暖舒服 吵醒了闹区的树木 吸一口纯氧就漂浮 蓝色背景下我练习飞行的角度 保持我的态度 我的...

