

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急急急关于感恩的作文五年级水平400到500字快快快明天要]感恩的心 随著教师节的来临,老师!我想对你说: 您是不灭的火种,点燃学子心中的理想;点燃学子心中的希望。星星火种,燎原之势,它给了学子生活的乐观,学习的积极,工作的激情。火种的存在...+阅读

When it comes to the life of people development changes, from saving money to buy a newspaper, TV on the computer to see, from the watch someone riding a bicycle, to a family car, all in all, it is a world of difference。 Originally we only spend the new year to eat meat, but now, every family has a food and drink。 In the original, who was bitten by a dog, no one treatment until the patient, rabies, alas, and now, a person's life and death, the hospital is fully grasp, the hospitals now, created another miracle。

The original school, with the mud layer table, then dig a hole, even if the desk, now, education emphasizes the high-tech。 。 More and more people。 The original diet alone, many people were hungry skimmed off life。 And now, spend money carelessly, find a spacecraft can fly, star。 The good life, thanks to our government, thanks to our society, so we have today我作文水平不行,但是我英语8级,一下是汉语:说到人们的生活发展的变化,从攒钱买报纸看,到电视开着电脑看着,从眼巴巴看着别人骑着自行车,到家家有私家车,这一切的一切,简直是天壤之别。

原来我们只有过年才能吃到肉食,可现在,家家有吃有喝。在原来,有人被狗咬伤,根本没人治疗,直到狂犬病发作,病人呜呼哀哉,而现在,一个人的生死,医院完全有把握,现在的医院,创造了一个又一个的奇迹。原来上学,用泥堆一层桌子,再挖个洞,就算书桌了,现在,教育强调高科技了。 成才的人更多了。原来的饮食更不用说,用多少人被饥饿掠去了生命。

而现在的人,随便花钱,找个宇宙飞船,就能上天摘星星。 这些良好的生活,要感谢我们的政府,感谢我们的社会,让我们有了今天。我手打的,没有功劳也没有苦劳啊。


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