

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写一封英语道歉信]Septemper 25, 2009 Dear XXX, I am sorry that I accidentaly took down some notes on the textbook I borrowed from you when I was attending classes. I didn't expec...+阅读

Hello, Rose, my dear friend, Recently you have not been contacting me and I realized that I have offended you. Actually, I did mean to be rude. I only wish to be frank with you. Should I offended in anyway, please kindly forgive me, for I do not wish to lose a good friend like you. Yours sincerely, John


英语作文给你的朋友写一封道歉信my brother: xx,for the last night, unable to attend your birthday, I am very sorry, but I refused to concede defeat: Since yesterday afternoon quarters of the s...

给小河写一封道歉信500字亲爱的小河:你好! 记得小时候你是多么的美丽,浅浅的河水,清清的,泛着绿光。水面像镜子一样,微风中常常荡起一道道波纹和小小的旋涡。两岸土堤上成排的杨树、柳树倒映在水中,随着水...

因为迟到写一份英文道歉信给朋友希望大家帮帮i am so sorry for my late,i know you must wait for me long long time .and i really really want it not happen,i think that must hurt you as also as me ,so i must...

怎么写一封道歉信道歉信:道歉信是因工作失误,引进对方的不快,以表示陪礼道歉,消除误解,增进友谊和信任的信函。 格式: 1.称谓。 2.正文:诚恳说明造成对方不快的原因;表示歉意,请予以理解、见谅。 3.署...

英文写一封道歉信Mr Wang Hao who is a manager of a electronic sevice company make apologize to Miss wang. because some of his servicing staff take traning course, and the others...

帮我写一封英语道歉信不要机器翻译dear: mike i am so ashamed and have to say sorry for i can not recive you punctually when you arrived airport. something bad happened on my mother, she was in f...


给邻居写一封道歉信作文三百字亲爱的邻居: 这几天,您似乎新买了一套家庭影院,环绕立体声,是不是还有3D效果?从上周日的夜晚开始,您就给我们展示您的新设备,可是您的方式似乎不是很好哦? 您大可以邀请我们到您家中...

楼盘开业庆典感想我想写一篇作文我的家乡是一个风景如画、依山傍水的地方。 在村前,是一条清澈见底的小河,在阳光的照射下,就像谁撒了一大把的金子似的,波光粼粼。一条条不知名的小鱼在河里快活地游来游去,有的...
