

02月21日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[建国60周年作文]这是一篇介绍自己家乡泉州变迁的记叙文,本篇叙事散文,叙事条理,层次分明、详略得当。主旨表达明确、文章中心突出。文中表达的感情,贴切、真挚、自然。 建国60周年作文 这一年我...+阅读

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of People's Republic of China.(Title)

In this unusual year, we take an unusual National Holiday.Since the Republic of China found,China hasgot many achievements in last 60 years.With our economy and science developing, China plays a important role in the world.Last 60 years, we in honor of the return of Hong Kong in 1997, the return of Macao in 1999.Suffer from the south face of the history of a rare flood in 1998. In 2003, the face of panic-stricken people of the SARS epidemic.In 2008, some ten provinces in the face of the rare snow disaster, earthquake SichanWenchuan , the Chinese people united, will be suffering at the foot of resistance!As we suffering the disasters,we were holding the Beijing Olympics successfully, and prove that Chinese are brave!Tdday, on the national holiday,let's celebrate it and bless our country being better!


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