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[英语作文快乐暑假60字暑假的英语作文50字]英语作文快乐暑假60字是写对于个人事件的作文,暑假的英语作文50字要描述生动,得到老师的好评,以下是由毕业生范文网小编提供快乐的暑假作文50字_暑假作文阅读。 英语作文快乐暑...+阅读

以前,人们不讲文明,总是乱扔垃圾,胡乱排放污水,乱摆摊点,乱停放车辆,随便吐痰、随地大小便,“脏乱差”随处可见,把北海这个美丽的城市弄得乌烟瘴气,惨不忍睹。可自从实施了“城乡清洁工程”后,北海的市容市貌焕然一新。 你看,平时污水横流的街道,垃圾乱扔的小区,在居委会干部和居民们的共同努力下,变得整齐、干净了。走在大街小巷上,摆放有序的摊点、整齐停放的车辆,让人觉得街道变宽敞了、变洁净了。 小荷作文网 你看,我们的校园也有了很大的变化,学校里不管是老师还是同学,甚至是校领导,无论谁看见地上有垃圾,都会把腰弯一弯,主动地捡起垃圾。连一些不讲究卫生的同学也都自觉起来,整个校园被一股浓浓的“洁净校园,从我做起”的文明气息包围着。 小 啊!这是一个多么整洁,多么干净,多么美丽的城市啊!这可多亏了“城乡清洁工程”呀!

In the past, people do not speak civilization, always littering, at random, a discharge sewage stall point, disorderly parked vehicles, to spit, defecate indiscriminately, "thirty-three everywhere," the north sea this beautiful city made a miasma, not a pretty sight. But since the implementation of "urban and rural clean project", the city's north sea ShiMao look brand-new.

You see, at ordinary times the society, waste water street of the village, throw in residents' committees cadres and the residents's efforts, become neat and clean. Walking in the streets, put orderly TanDian, neat parked vehicle, let a person feel streets become capacious, become clean. You see, our campus also has the very big change, school teachers or students, or even whether it is the school leader, no matter who see it in the trash, will take a turn, bent to pick up the trash. Initiative Even some don't pay attention to hygiene classmates are consciously up, the whole campus is a thick "clean campus, starts from me" civilization surrounded by a breath. small

!!!!! This is a neat, how clean. What a beautiful city! This can be thanks to the "urban and rural clean engineering" ah!!!!!


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