

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com


Friendship is the most valuable to every one in the world. As far as I am concerned, friends will make my life more colorful and meaningful. However, there are a great variety of friends, with whom we have to make friends according to our own tastes. I personally think an ideal friend should have the qualities as follows. In the first place, my friend and I should have the same interest. We are likely to do or talk about things which interest both of us. In other words, we will study together, and go to our favorite place for relaxation when being tired. She and I could be curious about one certain field in our study, so we could help each other and encourage ourselves to make greater progress. Secondly, an ideal friend would deeply understand me and appreciate me. When I am in a terrible fix and has a bad mood, she is able to help and comfort me. At this time, even if I shout aloud, looking like a mad creature, she should try her best to enlighten me patiently. It's certain that we ought to be tolerant with one another. Show our friendly and genuine congratulations to the other's success if need be. Lastly but by no means the least, the friend should be faithful and reliable. If I badly need help, she must be the first person I could think of. Anyway she could help me out of trouble and give me a little confidence in almost everything. Whenever we are and wherever we go, I always tell her some private things and there is no secret between us. It's absolutely a beautiful thing to have the most trustworthy listener in daily life. Simply speaking, my ideal friend, to some degree is really a gift from god. Although it's very possible that she would not be the most perfect one, I am still pleased to have such a friend. As a saying goes, “a friend in need is a friend indeed”, an ideal friend could accompany me, console me and criticize me if possible


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