

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[急求一篇作文我的朋友 100字左右]我有一个要好的朋友,他叫郭超伟,他和我是一班的。我很敬佩他,因为他是一个生活俭朴、学习勤奋的人。 在我的记忆中,他总是穿着一件洗得发白的长袖褂,脚上套着一双黑布鞋,那样子活...+阅读

This past July Kendall and I got rid of our car. We had been thinking about doing it for about a year. It began around the time we decided to move to Seattle. One of the many reasons this move has been so good for us is because it has given us the opportunity to start from scratch in so many ways. We are getting to decide what we want our life to look like and make decisions based on that.

Part of the reason we wanted to live a car-free life (besides the obvious environmental reasons) is because we are in the process of creating a life that reflects our values and part of that means that our regular life is not one that we dread coming home to after a vacation. We want to have a life that we don't constantly feel the need to have a break from. Giving away our car is part of our commitment to slow down and to live a sustainable life. That means living within our means–financially, environmentally, and overall within the energy that we have instead of daily moving deeper into debt. It's too hard to live under increasing debt of any kind and to us it is just not worth it.

So, when the lease on our car was up we turned in the key and walked home. Now we walk, bus, and occasionally use a flexcar. We live within our community. We run less errands. Consume less. Spend more time outside. Decide if something we want is worth the energy output to get it. Most of the time we end up making do with what we have and are really glad we did so.


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