

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[以选择与努力同样重要为题写一篇800字作文]窗外,雷电交加,大雨倾盆。室内,单片机比赛正在紧张地进行,空气似乎都凝固了。我屏住呼吸,正在两手并用地快速输程序。安静的赛场里,选手们按键时此起彼伏的嘀嗒声显得分外响亮, 我...+阅读

The civilization manner, is a citizen society public life important moral standard, is the human and the human the speech act criterion which associates in the society must follow.It mainly displays is treating people modest and affable, the style of speaking civilization is courteous, manner solemn natural and so on aspects.The civilization manner was reflecting a person's mental outlook, the cultural self-control and the cultural quality, are a person mind America, language America and the behavior beautiful harmonious unification.




写一篇礼貌乘车 800字以礼貌乘车我们中华民族一向被视为“礼仪之邦”,其意思是说,我们中华民族是一个有礼节、讲道德的高尚的民族。 汉末,黄巾事起,天下大乱,曹操坐据朝廷,孙权拥兵东吴,汉宗室豫州牧刘备听徐庶和...

以家乡为题写一篇英语作文I live in a small town. In the past ten years, great changes have take place in my hometown. In the past, people lived a terrible life. They used to live in old...

以讨论青年时期的重要性与创造力为题写一篇作文一、重视学生写作兴趣的激发          在小学作文教学的时候,想要培养学生的创造力,必须将学生对作文的兴趣激发出来。想要提高学生对作文的兴趣,首先老师便必须公平地...

以留住春天为题写一篇600字作文重要的是写出自己的春天留住春天 还没来得及脱下冬日厚重的衣服,还没来得及卸下冬日冰封的心情,还没来得及舒展冬日瑟缩的肢体,春天就来了。是因为感觉到了太阳的温度?是因为感受到了自己的心情?走在路...

以 My Teacher为题写一篇英语作文My English teacher I'm have many teachers now and I love them all,but my favorate teacher,I think she is my English teachter Mis/Miss Gao. She is tall and thin,...

以多想告诉你为题写一篇作文多想告诉你 妈妈,您知道吗,我的生物考试居然得了满分,我好高兴啊! 我好想把这个消息告诉您,可是你从来不听我把话说完,久而久之,我就已经习惯了。每一次的考试成绩,无论好坏,我都不会...

以怎样学好英语为题写一篇英语作文初二Nowadays,the English is becoming more and more important . There are many different ways to learn English well. For example, these are my ways to study English....
