

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[寒假英语日记带翻译]寒假英语日记带翻译 (一) I he many friends in my class. They're lovely and interesting. I would like to introduce some of them. Alice is very cute. She's also kind...+阅读

My winter holiday

Winter holiday is coming.I am so excited.

In this winter holiday,I am going to take a trip with my parents by plane.We are going to Beijing.Then,I am going to go ice skating there.I am going to see the snow.I will play with the snow.I am going to make a snowman with my sister.Then we are going to visit the Great wall.At last,we are going to go back home by plane.

That will be fun in the winter holiday!I can't wait!


我忘不了她作文30字数限制她,是一个活泼可爱的小女孩,让人又恨、又怕、又嫉妒。 一双水汪汪的大眼睛,镶嵌着一双葡萄似的眼珠子,一张像擦了口红似的小嘴,脸上总是露出忘不了的小酒窝,笑起来是那么的甜。她,...

英语寒假作文我的未来 80词左右带翻译的Ihaveawish,Iwanttobeadoctor.WhenIdieIwanttoseesomeonetohelpthem,butIcannothelpthem.SoIwanttobeadoctor.Icanhelpmanypeople,butnowIhavetostudyhardsothatitcanbeadoc...


描写猴子的英语作文30字带翻译Monkeys are clever and smart.They can climb trees and play in the trees.Their favourite fruits are bananas.They like playing very much.They are loved by people....

小学寒假日记30篇100字数限制1.看妈妈写给我的日记 2010年9月11日 星期六 晴 今天我非常的高兴,看了妈妈写给我的日记,从我很小的时候到现在,日记里记录的精彩内容精彩把我逗得哈哈大笑. 日记里记录了我从...

以我的假期为题写一篇英语作文带翻译30词My holiday-我的假期(1) Summer holiday has already come. How happy I am! The favorite thing I want to do is traveling. I joined an outdoor club and went to the sea...

我的朋友英语作文带翻译【My friend 】 I am convinced that making friend plays a leading role in our life, which there are good friend and bad friend. To my way thanking,not simply can...

我的爸爸传记作文600字数限制我的爸爸600字 他,并不魁梧,却可以保护我这棵弱小的幼苗; 他,并不温柔,却给予我最贴心的照料; 他,并不博识,却教懂了我最多做人的道理; 他,并不细心,却能在眉宇间透露出对儿女的丝丝爱...

作文告别寒假 300字数限制再过几天,寒假就要结束了,新学期要开始了。 整个寒假,我都住在外婆家。做完作业后,我就和附近的朋友一起玩耍。我去过田野里“冒险”,走在那泥泞的小路上;去过小溪里,穿着雨鞋踩水...
