

02月22日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于友谊的作文用英语]How to make friends when many people are asked who is the most important person for them,most of their answers are my parents,my children and so on.But don't fo...+阅读

Two grade next semester, the teacher told us, grade 3 to learn English. Mother afraid I couldn't follow him, he adopted the early bird catches the worm. Abcd... These English letters I had back ground, but ripe melon disorderly as difficult as surrounded by mountains. Only one mind, English is difficult to learn.

School begins, I was exhausted walk on the road, at school, I do in his seat, the students of the scenery of the instrument, what I feel they are like my point.



英语作文用英语怎么写展开全部 要知道,英语写作对于培养一个人的英语思维方式是至关重要的。在没有任何外界压力的情况下,学习者可以充分思考句子结构;反复推敲所要表达的内容。经过长期的训练,就可...

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第一次去看病的经历英语作文60单词Last Friday afternoon, when I was playing football with my friends, it began to rain. We were so interested in playing that nobody was willing to go back home....

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英语作文我第一次自己睡觉The first time I myself to sleepI'm going to start my own bed tonight, my mother had finished the story, shut the lamp to go. Just open a secretly small bulbs,...

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第一次上模型课的作文这一周星期五,我盼望已久的航模课终于开课了。我进教室的时候,似乎已经开始上课了,我快速地坐进位子,拿出文具盒、笔记本,听老师讲课。 教练徐老师给我们讲了一些飞机模型的知识...
