

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[某个夏天作文]本文通过写我与萍、旭、晨在某一个夏日相遇、相识以至最后为了前途相互告别的故事,抒发了纯真质朴的友情。运用了动作描写、语言描写写出了每个人物的特点,是篇佳作。 某个夏...+阅读

My new school My life turns another page as I enter into a new school. My new school has a big cafeteria, a place for us to have meals. There are residence halls for students to live in. The school is not so large,but the teachers and students in the school are very kindy .There are many activities on campus, such as basketball club, science club, badminton club and disciplinary team. Ithe school is not so large,but teachers and students in the school are very kindly . am so excited to be a part of this new student body since I love to play basketball. I will join the team and be an active member and contribute greatly to the team. I love my new school. I cannot wait to start my new life.



第一次去看病的经历英语作文60单词Last Friday afternoon, when I was playing football with my friends, it began to rain. We were so interested in playing that nobody was willing to go back home....

意想不到的收获作文400字必须一个人在干什么因为某个原因去干大千世界,无奇不有,各种各样的东西都会有,趣事也是如此,而生活中的趣事帮助我们丰富了知识,增长了见识,使我们成长。 有一次,我去哥哥家玩,叫他给我一只小鸭,哥哥把一只绿色的给我,一...

我第一次去秋游作文20个字. 秋高气爽,风轻云淡,如今正是秋游的好时节,我们全家约好周日到“木兰天池”去秋游。 带上秋游必需的物品和一大带零食,经过了长途跋涉,我们终于来到了“木兰天池”。一进大门,就...

第一次去天池山参加夏令营作文一阵暖风扑面而来,有种潮湿的感觉。思绪一下子又回到了三年前,第一次参加夏令营的时候,这也是我第一次离开父母,过集体生活。 当时爸妈帮忙整理好行李,叮嘱了几句,仅仅这些,或许是...

作文第一次去看海[作文 第一次去看海]第一次去看海 暑假,爸爸妈妈带我去北戴河玩儿,作文 第一次去看海。这是我第一次去看海,第一次亲眼见到五彩的贝壳,就让我把最美的贝壳里的故事讲给你听吧! 我...

详解2016何凯文考研英语作文预测第一篇如何去写例文 Fireworks and firecrackers outside the window, and, the traditional year haven't finished; But the calendar on the wall that has been to the March 1. Not c...


学校作文之学校的一次活动作文300字去文库,查看完整内容> 内容来自用户:度米文库 学校的一次活动作文300字 【篇一:一次有趣的活动作文300字】 一次有趣的活动作文300字 记得去年的国庆节时,学校组织在班里搞游园...
