Many companies do not like people who change jobs more often, they think this person is unstable. I would say that this is a selfish attitude. Want their employees not to quit, but do not want to pay more to retain employees, between companies do not often undercut it? Companies only see the surface of things, but do not investigate why employees want to quit. Employee turnover, and if not cheated jump, he might get better, he experienced more, understand more, adaptable, do not you? So the higher the value of talent, enterprise recruiting such people should be happy. If companies do not like to quit and more people, it is not confident of its own. It fears come after recruitment, can not do long jumps, it only shows that companies do not really know how much is the value of employees. Companies do not pay employees the value of things like staff to find real recognition of their next home, it is understandable. Business people managed enterprises, so the mentality of enterprises is the mentality of entrepreneurs. Why quit? I personally believe that a person's position on the current, there are four issues that must be clear: First, there is no money to earn their own satisfaction? Second, learn to make themselves more stuff? Third, there is no chance to enhance development? Fourth, do it does not happy? We can control what their actual situation, look at the four issues, there are several that can make you feel satisfied. If you are satisfied with four, then congratulations, you can say this is a person sword of state; if there are three aspects to make you feel satisfied and Congratulations, you have been very good; if there are two aspects makes you feel satisfied, it means that work is good; if there is one aspect that makes you feel satisfied, the job can stick with it; but if the four do not have a make you feel satisfied, I recommend: quickly quit it ! What is the purpose of job-hopping? Quit is that you are already working, we want to change jobs. I believe no one will say, "I want to wet your poor," it, quit the purpose is to change the status quo so that they become better. Of course, we can not say one hundred percent would certainly quit after good before, because the development of affairs many changes are unpredictable. Do not quit, you want to continue working in the original boil down, perhaps there will be opportunities; quit, then maybe more opportunities or opportunities to earlier. Why do not we jump it, to try and perhaps not the same since. I recommend: a chance to quit if they would seriously consider the good, as long as there let yourself become a better opportunity, or choose to quit it.
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