

02月23日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求高中作文关于虚荣心 500字]高中抒情作文 虚荣心 一颗小树苗那是大山的女儿,她会穿着绿衣在山里跑来跑去,在山的唱歌,有一天,她抚摸着自己的秀发问山:“爸爸,我的头发好看吗?”“如果没有头发,你会怎么办”山说...+阅读

Adhere to the scientific development, low-carbon life

With the changing times, science and technology is also risen: into the clouds building, Benz car... However, when we enjoy fruitful achievements in science and technology, also should consider to build a low carbon life.

To introduce what call low carbon life. Low carbon life, just as its name implies, reduce the amount of carbon in the air. When life is actually refers to that the water consumption, electricity, gas, wait for essential to life energy to try to reduce use. It can reduce the pollution of the atmosphere, slow ecological deteriorating.

I have come out, come on the edge of the river salt "eco-industrial park" do a survey of small cars. "The car so many!" See roadside is pedestrians and vehicles are so-called patrol car. Suddenly, a big truck roared, casual, I ate a mouthful of dust. It was not anger, is the car exhaust fumes straight cough. I was angry, still have a bit sorry walk home, the hydrophilic mountain, picturesque earth where have you been? ! Back home, I find the material, really scary! Air 20.93% part is 0.03% oxygen is carbon dioxide, once part of the carbon dioxide to:

The 2.5 % hours without any symptoms.

3 % unconscious breathing increase,

Local stimulating symptoms 4.0 %,

6.0 percent increase in breathing,

8.0 % difficulty breathing,

10.0 percent of consciousness, soon leads to death,

Median % after a few seconds paralysis, the heart stops beating!

Speak so much about low-carbon life and importance, then everyone knows how a low-carbon life? You may think, low-carbon life difficult, actually otherwise. Society, as long as everyone take one step, the earth would be a big progress! Pick up curved waist, paper, reduce energy usage, the environmental protection is to make great contribution!

Adhere to the scientific development, low-carbon life, let us toward this goal!


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