

02月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[关于考拉的英语作文]Koala bear is Australia's unique animal. They inhabits on trees and have a gentle personality with a sincere look. They have a pair of short, hairy ears, with s...+阅读


Let's go to university! There's a general debate (插入 on) whether or not universities are the best place for young people to receive higher education. Some people think it right while others think the opposite is true. There's probably some truth in both opinions。 Some students dream to go (dream of going) to universities be- cause studying in universities does do good to them. Universities have super (outstanding) teachers and professors and most universities are equipped with excellent facilities. Also, by taking part in all kinds of activities organized in universities, students can widen their views (插入 and) increase their experience. In this case, many students are motivated to study harder and acquire more knowledge in middle schools in order to be admitted by the universities they dream of. Not only (插入 do) universities provide good studying place (circumstance), but also they (去掉) encourage students to study. However, there are also some disadvantages. For instance, some universities are not so good as expected, (插入 and) many students can't learn much to meet the need of society. Those who fail in their exams can't go to their desirable universities。

However, the opportunity is offered by the open universities. Students can be equally educated by taking correspondence courses or going to evening class if they fail to go to universities. They can choose courses that cater for their interest and the need of the times freely. Although they are refused to go to universities, they can also benefit from the correspondence courses or evening classes. As the saying goes, “every coin has two sides”. Things always leave undesiabl (something undesirable). There are some evening classes whoes (whose) quality is not good. It's hard for people to receive sufficient knowledge。 For me, as a student, I would like to go to universities. Once a time, I walked in the Peking University. I was really attracted by the swaggering confidence, the irrepressible spirit and the indomitable nerves that the students in it (去掉) have. I was lost in the studying atmosphere. I'm really eager to go to university that I like. It is the goal that motivates me to study hard. I have done my best and will continue to do so. I believe it won't be long before I achieve my goal! Ibsen once said, “It' a your suprem (supreme) duty to cast yourself into a useful emplement。

” (implement) I set my mind to go to the university and I'm determined to succeed。 Let's go to universities for the universities' advantages provided。 Stop Your Superstition On Universities 望采纳 科技英语强手团 为您解答


Euthanasia, a quiet and easy death, or “mercy killing” as we call it recently has made the headlines frequently. Many people applaud it and argue that euthanasia should be legalized. As is pointed out, to practise euthanasia can benefit both the patient and his family. To a terminally ill person who is suffering excruciating pains day and night or living “like a vegetable”, to be allowed to end his life painlessly is a good release. To his family it is also a big relief considering the financial and emotional drain on them that having to sustain his life entails. However, the legalization of euthanasia may also bring with it problems our society has not previously faced. Is it humane, for example, that a terminally ill patient is thus caused to feel guilty for remaining alive because he does not want to die? Is it wise that a patient is killed alive simply because of a mistaken terminal diagnosis? And is it possible that euthanasia could be taken advantage of fo... to practise euthanasia can benefit both the patient and his family Euthanasia, that a terminally ill patient is thus caused to feel guilty for remaining alive because he does not want to die? Is it wise that a patient is killed alive simply because of a mistaken terminal diagnosis. Is it humane, the decision our society makes about euthanasia will undoubtedly have tremendous consequences in society? Since the legalization of euthanasia will raise serious moral and social issues. To a terminally ill person who is suffering excruciating pains day and night or living “like a vegetable”, or “mercy killing” as we call it recently has made the headlines frequently. As is pointed out. To his family it is also a big relief considering the financial and emotional drain on them that having to sustain his life entails, to be allowed to end his life painlessly is a good release? And is it possible that euthanasia could be taken advantage of for some ulterior or even criminal purposes. Many people applaud it and argue that euthanasia should be legalized, for example, the legalization of euthanasia may also bring with it problems our society has not previously faced. However, a quiet and easy death


In the children's minds, parents like a blocking never collapsed wall. However, no one ever do children, and no one will always stand on the family eaves. Step into life, leaving their harbour, leave relatives and friends help, is life's growth path. We have to be independent.

Life on the need to be independent. We still haven't adult, temporary not he needed to work to support himself, but our most basic independent ability is we can provide for oneself, to manage its own pocket money, do it ourselves, oneself cook, etc. After manhood, should be understood self-reliance, support myself. Circulate socially a phrase: "really understands education child's parents, give the child is neither good fortune, but a pen to become more independent spirit wealth". American five hundred large company, one of the President Mr Stanley is world magnate, he lets the child understand how finances, how to make money, money, and told how treat children, oneself hard-earned money is the most precious, must learn to their own independent.





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