

02月24日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[雅思大作文范文]楼主,你好,我这里有一篇雅思大作文范文,相信对你有用。 雅思作文高分范文:职业专家比明星对社会的贡献大,因此要多收入,同意吗? 本文是一篇8分的雅思作文高分范文,文章中有许多的高...+阅读


Some people show special interest in working for a big company, while other are more willing to work for small ones. Of course, every individual has his own opinion about the strengths and weakness when it comes to serving in a big firm or a small one; for me, my choice is definitely to work for a big company.Now let's use the analysis of "SWOT", which was always employed in the field of economics to get the problem solved. Here, S stands for "strengths", W for "weakness", O for "opportunities" and T for "target".Working for a big company will have many advantages for your development in your career, because a big company usually provides more competitions and it demands its employees to be self-educated at the very beginning of becoming one member of the group, or he or she will be dismissed without hesitation. For as a big company, there is always a pool of talents waiting for a position to be filled. Besides, in a big company, you will deal with different kinds of people, who are from different provinces or even different countries, having various educations, thus you will be inevitably influenced by "multi-culture", which is of great importance to a person with the hope of tailoring himself to be an international talent. Finally, in a big company you will be given more opportunities to be charged up either at home or abroad and be endowed with more chances to contact with more elites in the specific field.When speaking of the weaknesses, everything is a double- edged sword. Working for a big company, there might be little chances for many people to stick out due to the bulk of talents, but compared with the strengths and the opportunities mentioned above, it can be ignored.When it comes to the target, you, as a member of a big company, will be more likely to motorize your target because of the plentiful resources including material resources, as well as human resources.All that I have said above boils down to the conclusion that if you are a person who craves for competitions and desires to be an international or inter-provincial talent, you should choose the big firms for your future development.


被描述的对象可能是极其普通的,比如一个事件,一个人或是一个动物,也可能是虚构的事物。对于这一类型的文章,写的时候应该讲求生动,注意挖掘平凡事物中的有趣的,新奇的地方,选取一些特别的东西来写,给出足够确切的描述性细节。如果描述一件事情,你就要“看见”他们在动,“听到”他们在说,这样会让你的描写栩栩如生。组织结构要清晰。介绍部分应从总体到细节,最后以主题句收尾。用几段来开展和描述你的主题,结尾再次点题或结束这件事。 解释事物是什么的文章就是定义文。有些事物有具体明确的意义,例如玻璃、书本或树木。 但有一些文章就很抽象,比如城市,尊敬,爱等等,不同的人会有不同的观点。这样的主题就比较适合新托福考试你可以按照以下步骤定义:功用----解释它能做什么,或者它怎样做;结构----它是怎样构成的;分析----将它与其他事物做比较,说明他们的不同之处。

类比文和对比文开篇讨论两个观点或两个事物那些方面是相似的,然后讨论两个观点和两个事物为何不同 对于这一类的文章,可以按照以下步骤来写:第一段:引入;第二段:哪些相似;第三段:哪些不同;第四段:结尾;先说明第一个观点,然后说明第二个。首先将两种观点进行对比和比较,然后再完整地解释第一个观点,然后是第二个。这也是很多学生首先尝试的写法。 议论文旨在发表一个观点,然后运用论据去论证这一观点使读者信服。同时,驳斥对立观点使读者相信你的确说的有道理。议论文可以是理性的论证,也可以是感性的呼吁。但这两个方面不应该混淆,全文要保持统一的论述风格。你的所有论证都应得出一个符合逻辑的结论。 如果你论证的主题倡导做一些改变,就提供一些可行的解决方法。

论点就是你的个人观点,长度为一句话。 它是你这篇文章的基础,引导你的全篇文章,并引领读者去理解你的文章。在没有清晰的主题之前不要动笔。 将所有可能的论证方法都考虑到,并按照重要性和与文章主题相关性进行排序。


下面给出按各评分标准的范文,仅供参考。 题目:Some intensive English programs in the United States offer a foreign student the option of living with an American family while he or she is studying abroad. Many students feel that such a home-stay program is a valuable part of their total learning experience. However, others may feel that such a plan offers little value. In a short essay, discuss one or two advantages of living with an American family and then state one or two disadvantages. Tell whether you are in favor of or opposed to the idea of home-stay. Give examples to support your opinion. 范文一(6分) A foreign student who plans to come to the United States must have some definite goals in mind. For the student who wants to improve his English quickly and learn about American customs firsthand, there is often an opportunity to live with an American family. There may be one or two disadvantages to this living arrangement; however, I believe that there are far more advantages.First of all, some minor disadvantages to living with an American family include both a lack of privacy and little opportunity to have independence (be independent). For instance, the foreign student may find that the family expects him to join them in group activities such as watching television and going on picnics. At times, however, he might enjoy staying in his room to read or to write letters to his family and friends. Another drawback to living in an American home involves the possibility that the family may treat the student like a child. For example, the parents may want to decide who his friends will be and where he will go during his leisure time away from home.Even though there may be one or two disadvantages to living with an American family, the advantages far outweigh them. By taking part in a home-stay program, the student has an excellent opportunity to learn about American customs. He will find out how to behave in different social situations such as parties and serimonies (ceremonies) and how to dress (dress on) these occasions. Also, he will learn about many other aspects of the American way of life, such as the way schools are run in the United States. With a family lose by, he can ask questions about attendance rules and school costs. The family will make certain that he becomes acquainted with this new way of life, and soon he will feel at home.Another advantage to lining with an American family is that the student is in an ideal environment to improve his English. For example, each time he has a conversation with someone in the family, this native speaker can help him with his pronounciation (pronunciation) and grammer (grammar). Maybe the younger children in the family can help the student with his homework, too. But the most important thing is that he will be surround (surrounded) by English most of the time during his stay in the United States.Although I agree that there may be a couple of disadvantages to living with an American family, I feel that the advantages are more obvious. In a home-stay program, the student can learn about American customs in the most natural way possible. In addition, he will find himself in an atmosphere in which his English will certainly improve. In my opinion, these are the two most important goals for him to consider, and living with an American family is the best way to achieve them. 范文二(5分) Every year, many foreign students go to America to study English. Some of this (them) will participate in a home-stay program and live with an American family. However, others will take (make) a different decision. They will live with friends from their own country. I believe that if a foreign student looks at both possibilities, he will decide to live with an american (American) family. Even though there are one or two drawbacks to the home-stay way (option), there are far more benefits.In taking (making) his decision about how to live in the United States, the foreign student is smart (wise) to consider one or two disadvantages to living with an American family. First of all, he must realize that he is going to feel homesick at first. Living in an American home with people of other (another) language and culture may cause this feeling to increase. Also, the american family could become very protective of him. They may ask him where he is going when he leaves home and when he will return. Despite these two disadvantages, there is a stronger idea (argument) in favor of living with Americans.By living in american (an American) home, the student has (has an) opportunity to become familiar with American ...


参考分析: 列举两种观点的优缺点,然后进行比较,最终选择一个立场。 托福考试作文范文参考: Should university students be required to attend classes? There are two different opinions. Some people claim that attending classes is a must to students. Other people, however, argue that it should be up to the students to decide whether they need to go or not. As far as I am concerned, no matter whether students like it or not, they must attend classes. Students who do not like to go to classes have their reasons. The main one is, they can learn knowledge by themselves. If they were asked to attend the class in which the professor teaches something they already have known, it would be a pain. By not attending class, students can control their time more freely and are likely not to waste time. Although I agree that there are maybe one or two advantages of not attending classes, I insist that the advantages of attending classes far overweigh that of not attending. In the first...


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