

02月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[考拉求求大家了:一篇80120词的英语作文 animals in danger谢了]找到一篇关于考拉的,要是你是要自己写作文交的,那你最好看了借鉴一下 改一下...然后成为你自己的文章... Adorable Koalas in Danger Koalas are considered an Australian na...+阅读


Dear American friends.In the last 5 days,we get a better understanding of American culture and customs and improved our spoken English through communication with you. We are deeply impressed with your sense of humor,creativity and spirit of exploration. We hope we will have the chance to get together with you next time.

my lucky day初三英语作文80词左右

你好,很高兴为你解答:my lucky dayI cann't never belive that it is so a lucky what I face today.for what?you know that I felt upset for the pass day because Icann't find a work which working on summer holiday.but now I get a work,and get it by unexpectedly.This morning I got on the bus to the middle of the city to look forthe job ,when I sat down I saw a woman who seem sick get on the bus,but that time there aren't free seats,thought for a momment ,I stand up to let the woman sit down,the woman seem felt grateful,and we started to talk .when I told her that I wanted to look for a job which working on the holiday,the woman smole ,and she told me that her company wanted to recruit several employees if I wanted she can introduce me to her company.lessoning this information I felt so exciting that time.and now I feel so a lucky day ot is this day 翻译如下我的幸运日我不敢相信我今天面对的是如此幸运。

为什么?你知道我为过去的一天感到难过是因为暑假找不到工作,但现在我有了工作,却意外地得到了。今天早上我乘公共汽车到市中心找工作,当我坐下的时候,我看到一个看起来病了的女人上了车,但那一次没有空座位,想着要当妈妈,我站起来让那位女士坐下,这位女士似乎很感激,于是我们开始聊天。当我告诉她我想找一份在假期工作的工作时,这位女士闷闷不乐地告诉我,如果我想让她介绍我,她的公司想招聘几名员工她的公司。莱森听到这个消息,我当时感到很兴奋。现在我觉得今天是个幸运的日子词汇释义you know你知道; 你知道的; 你知道吗working on致力于;作用于;继续工作look for寻找; 探索; 渴望; 盼望stand up to经得住; 对抗,抗争sit down就座; 坐下; 使坐下; 使就座; 尽心尽力


Dear Mr. Smith: It's been three years, isn't it? I can still remember the first day in your class learning English. It was hard and challenging subject to learn in school. I struggled through the class and I manage to get decent grades in the end and learn a good amount of English. I will continue to persue in learning English and get better and better each day. I have such a great time learning English in your class and happy to have you as my teacher. Sincerely, XXX



I and animals

everyone knows that animals are helpful and usefu for our life and the environment we live。and there are many many animals in the world,some are very lovely and some are very beautiful。we always feel happy when we play with animal。and some dogs after training will be guide dog,they can help blind people。Although animals are important for us ,many people kill them 。for example ,some people kil millons of elephant to make the things what are made of ivory to make money。I think i should try my best to save animals who are in great dangerous


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