

02月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求写一篇关于饮食健康的小作文不少于200个单词英语写]Health is more important than wealth. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. On the contrary, poor health leads to...+阅读


My favourite festival The Spring Festival is my favourite festival. It's one of the most important holidays in China.Before the festival, people will do some cleaning in order to take away bad luck and bring good luck. People will docorate their houses and do some shopping as well. On Spring Festival Eve, all the members of the family come together and have a big dinner.They are happy.We eat fish and meet. Dumplings are the traditional food in China. Then we watch TV until midnight. Everybody has a good time.The next day,people wear their best clothes and visit their friends or relative. Sometimes we give others best wishes on phone or by email cards.Children often can get lucky money from their relatives. I like the Spring Festival a lot beacause I can get a lot of lucky money and have fun during the Spring Festival.


Hello everybody

My name is ...,I'm 15 years old and I come from Leshan,leshan is a beautiful city and it is famous for its big Buddha(佛).I think you will like this city if you come here.Now,I'm a student and study at leshan Vocational Middle School ,I major in Electronic,I like my major and my school ,I think this school give me a chance to imporve my ability .And I can learn some technology from this school ,I got some friends in this school ,I wish my school will be better in the future .希望能帮到你,不知道字数够不够,你在自己加点。。


(1) I wonder what the wind is saying. I wonder where the cloud is. I wonder why it rains. I wonder what's in the sea. I wonder how the birds fly. I wonder how the fish breathe. I wonder how the flowers grow. I wonder why the world is so wizardly..

(2) What shall we do next Sunday? Next Sunday we shall get up very early. My father and I shall wash and dress quickly and have a small breakfast. Then we shall take our bags. There will be bread and butter, meat and some other things to eat, and cold water to drink. We shall go to the woods for a walk. Mother won't go with us. She will stay at home with my little sister. We shall walk in the woods, swim in the river, pick flowers for Mother. We shall have dinner in the woods and come back home in the evening.

(3) What will it be like in 2050? Tom and Fred are talking about the year 2050. "What will the world be like in the year 2050?" asks Tom. "I don't know." Says Fred, "What do you think?" "Well, no one knows. But it is interesting to guess." Says Tom. "In the year 2050 everyone will carry a pocket computer. The computer will give people the answers to all their problems. We shall have telephones in our pockets, too. And we can talk to our friends all over the world. Perhaps we will work only two or three days a week, we can fly to the moon by spaceship and spend holidays there." "I'm very glad to hear that, I hope to fly to the moon. And I hope to live in the sea." Says Fred "Won't that be interesting? Just like a fish."

(4) Do you like rain? It is eight o'clock on a Monday morning and it is raining. A cold wind is blowing, and the sky is gray. Men and women are going to work. Some are walking, some are riding on buses, some are waiting for buses on windy corners in the rain. Others are driving their cars, or riding in the cars of neighbors and friends. The city streets are full of cars and buses. All are moving slowly, one after another, along the city streets and on the roads between cities and town. Children are going to school. Some are riding on school buses, some are riding in their parents cars. Many are walking, and they are not very happy. Life is not beautiful on a rainy Monday morning.

(5) Why should I study? A stupid pupil said to his parents, "The more I study, the more I know. The more I know, the more I forget. The less I know, the less I forget. Nothing I know, nothing I forget. So why should I study?"



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