[关于冒险的作文]冒险无处不在,一次选择,一次作文,一次去丛林深处然而,这次我就拥有了此生的最大冒险。 野人谷。一听见名字就忍不住毛骨悚然。但是,这次闯野人谷还是在子夜时分。 月光时分微弱,若...+阅读
on the second of may, tony and alex was desigh go to the zoo, they all feel great. they are desigh to take a bus to go the zoo, when they get on the bus, the bus are have many seat, so they sit near the window on the bus, the bus is taking 1hour to the zoo. when they get to the zoo, they all feel tire, when they get off of the bus, they didn't talk to each other, beacause they have no stength to talk that is no use. they buy the ticket, and going to the zoo, they are desigh to look the animal show first, they saw the lion, tiger, bear, and many animal doing fun tickers
英语作文冒险 80个单词外加翻译
My Experience in the Morning Fog
Fog is a natural phenomenon.It usually appears in the morning,so people call it morning fog.
It is Tuesday today.I got up very early to do some jogging as uaual.When I got out of the building.I found that I was surrounded by the fog.I didn't know whether I was in a dream or not,because everything was not clear.The street lights seemed far away,like stars in the sky.
I couldn't see anything or anybody three metres away.Only could I hear some sounds.When people came nearer,I could see them clearly.My hair was wet.Droplets were on my face.
The morning fog was gradually disappearing when the sun rose in he east.All the things were clear again.
探险顾名思义就是探究危险的地方,这可谓是一项极其危险的运动,它是在挑战人类的生存极限,以及人类的智慧、魄力的程度。 探险可谓是众多热血男儿所热爱的项目,在森林中探索,在悬崖陡壁之间上下攀爬,如履平地,在深不见底的深渊之上攀过,这种种一想起来就令人热血沸腾,浑身好似充满了力量。 探险也是一些大自然爱好者所钟爱的项目,因为探险往往州的是那些深山老林,人类的脚步还未触及到的地方,也是一些地势险要的地方,又一句话说得好:无限风光在险峰,例如华山、黄山等等都是以险而著名,其风光也大大不同,但是由于人工的开发,其自然景观和纯自然景观相比较之下,就显得逊色多了。 探险也是人类所必须进行的活动。为了探明地球上的地势,地形以及那未知的种种,有不少人以生命为代价来探明这些地方,探明这些地方的种种,让我们能够更加清楚的知道我们所居住的地方是什么样的,也为后人对地球的研究做出贡献;也是为了人的一种好奇心,想知道这地球到底是怎样的。
这些种种都是令人佩服的,在探险史上有许许多多的人为此而丧生,当然还是有许多辉煌的事迹的,列如:美洲大陆就是欧洲人航海探险是找到的,哥伦布环游世界死在路途但是他证明了地球是圆的,还有南极点等等不也是有人探险探险出来的吗?这些辉煌的探险史使人们一生都不能忘记的,他们的精神值得我们学习,赞扬。 当然,如今社会以是一个高度科技化的社会。地球上的许多地方都可以使用卫星来进行探测,其精确度、速度都是最快的。当然还是有喜欢自然风光而去探险,欣赏沿途许多人无法看到的、大自然特有的景观。所以,地球上的地形等都不需要人用生命去换取,探险者的目光将会逐渐转移到宇宙里,宇宙是多么的宽广,那里仿佛是真的无边无际,在那里,探险者永远都不会失去目标,在那里他们的勇气,胆魄都将上升到另一个高度,人类的灵魂在这里得到锤炼,人类的智慧在这里得到发挥,人类的勇敢在这里毫无保留的释放出来。
在浩瀚的宇宙之等待着的是不可预料、不可猜测、不可想象的地方等着我们去探明、去发现那未知的世界,纵使那里有着无数的艰难险阻,可能遇到生命危险,但是我们的探险家们一定会冲在最前线,为我们找到更美丽的星球、更富饶的土地、更和谐的家园,这一切的一切就有我们的探险家来实现,为我们创造出更加美好的明天! 望你采纳!谢谢!!!
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