

02月25日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求在春光里奔跑作文]生命如花,芳香四溢。 又是一个万物复苏的春天,我漫步在湖边,发现了天空中飘着许许多多像雪花一样的白色物,但又比雪花更棉,更薄、更柔软,落在地上一片一片的。走在湖边的人们,任它...+阅读


(I don't know how long the essay is required;here i assume it is only around 150words) There is a saying goes "learing is a lift long journey". The knowledge taught in class is very limited for someone who is eager to pursue a life long learning and self improving journey. I thereby agree that one could benefit more from self study outside the classroom. For example, in ecnomics lecture students are taught with abstruse concepts of demand and supply, inflation, world trade and so on, but they will not completely absorb the knowledge learnt or readily apply the concepts to explain real life problems until they read a lot of books besides the textbook and think more about the reasons behind the changing oil price, the recent world financial crisis and many other issues. One will learn only if he or she makes one step beyond the classroom knowledge and do more researches with a scholarly attitude. The more you learn from outside, the more experienced you are and the more benefits you will gain. Dexterity comes by experience, and I believe it! 多追加点分哦,期末考试的文章很重要呢。



Naturally, some people believe valuable time could be better-spent improving academics than participating in numerous extracurricular activities. However, enough time is already spent in school. For example, students at Eagles Landing High School attend school for approximately seven hours a day. Secondly, by limiting the extracurricular activities, you cannot guarantee that students will spend the extra time studying. That is, many children would go home and sit on the couch watching television. Finally, students pick up many real-life applications of math, science, geography, etc. in extracurricular activities. In fact, many activities, such as Math Team, are饥郸观肝攥菲硅十亥姜 geared toward furthering education. Obviously, time spent in extracurricular activities should be cherished and cannot be better spent any other way.


课余生活 我的课余生活既丰富多彩,又有滋有味。我最喜欢与爸爸妈妈下五子棋,决出谁为棋王的事了。星期六我上兴趣班回来,就与爸爸摊开棋布进行三局二胜的较量。第一盘爸爸先声夺人,一副洋洋得意的神态,似乎在说:”你是小孩,根本不是我的对手。”我暗自给自己加油,一定要攻防结合,把爸爸打败,消灭他的嚣张气焰,我第一盘失败也正是自己不够仔细,一不小心被爸爸收了一副,正是”一着不慎,满盘皆输。”第二盘我汲取了教训,每一次出手都考虑再三,既要防爸爸的进攻,也给自己创造进攻的机会,做到攻守平衡,爸爸见我滴水不漏,投子认输。我高兴地跳了起来,妈妈在旁提醒我:”楷楷,你要胜不骄败不馁。”爸爸第三世盘也被我击败,我以2:1胜出,我心中乐开了花。



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