

02月27日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[雅思大作文范文]楼主,你好,我这里有一篇雅思大作文范文,相信对你有用。 雅思作文高分范文:职业专家比明星对社会的贡献大,因此要多收入,同意吗? 本文是一篇8分的雅思作文高分范文,文章中有许多的高...+阅读


A charity organization usually assume much of the responsibility for aiding the needy, providing health care, and taking care of the victims of natural disasters and so on. However,whether the assistance from the celebrities has a inspiring role to play has ignited public debate. Personally speaking, the charitable giving from social elites can benefit the need, charitable institution and themselves.First,as the attention-getting group,famous people should and could pass on active influence,for the speeches and behaviors of those top stars could set a fine learning example. For example, those nations suffering from the lack of medical care or insufficient financial support can, to a large extent, gain benefits from the generous donation from the celebrities if some natural disasters occur around the world. The warm-hearted helps deriving from generous business leaders or super stars can,in most cases,help those unfortunate countries to recover from the adversity. Also,since the support and concern from the influential figure could generate media awareness,those charities can become the beneficiaries too. The reputation and credibility of charitable institution can be greatly enhanced under the subtle impact of top stars. Last,celebrities,as a respectable group,usually live under spotlight, receive maximum praises and comfortable economic reward,hence,they are expected to make their unique contribution to the community as a returned favor. Their selfless donation could fulfill their social responsibilities, embody their kindnesses, and bring them great sense of satisfaction.Notwithstanding all that,some people might remain suspicious of my stand. For a start, some people argue that stars' assistance is limited and thus less significant in terms of resolving some international problems such as helping the population of poverty-stricken countries shake off poverty or tackling global environmental contamination. Another argument hold by some people is that the impact of celebrities might be a double-edged weapon. By that they mean, if some stars fail to practice what they preach, then, the public might lose confidence in the organizations they publicized. Some anti-drug stars ended up becoming drug addicts might be a good example.In a nutshell,I re-affirm my conviction that no matter how trivial a star's role can be,all famous people should do their utmost to fulfill their social obligations,to do some public service activities for those charity organizations can be an effective way to serve this purpose.


The test soon, the students are doing the final sprint. Small art is among the best students in the class score, as far as I know, initially, he mediocre, but by every little progress, only the present results. Small art told me that he often used when learning Carnegie self-motivation aphorism to control their mentality.

The results came out of a mold, a small arts test was not ideal, however, he read all the wrong questions after the consolidation exercise carried out, and on the plan, fill in the following next time you want to get the scores. To a two-mode test, a small arts has increased achievement, he would continue to change the wrong question, as before to set their own score, and then tell himself that he will be able to. In this way, small arts scores rose steadily, unbelievable.

Positive attitude, is actually a irresistible force. "I want to succeed, I must succeed, the result I was successful." A person can command this state of mind power to achieve any legitimate purpose of desire, of course, including control of physical pain and mental pain.

Of life and hope for the future, even now not all smooth sailing, but who can ask for the moon? Or down to earth, from the trivial, a little bit of change, a little bit of progress, with little success to encourage their own , encourage yourself to continue to move forward, they do not give up, it will be better next time. Holding such a belief, to meet future every sunny day rainy, stormy, it will be able to touch the rainbow!


How to cultivate great man On the world, it is well known that among of us ,there may be somebody who is outstanding on his field. You may ask what kind of life they lead so as to create such significant career. In fact, it is general heart and comman mood to lead to such honour, You know that for the extradinary man ,they possses uncommen ability so that they never like to play the same rule with others. In the daily life, not for the showing off, it is just the potential thought which drive them to do alien matter. For such reason, once we desire to bring up great man. On my opinion, it is necessary to find out potential and cultivate with relative method. Otherwise, there will be waste time and distort elite.

the older we grow英语作文

Nowadays, the students are facing all kinds of troubles in their daily lives, that is, growing pains coming from their parents' and studies' pressure. The pressure makes the students tired, sleepy and even easy for them to lose the interest in life. Then how to cope with those problems is becoming more and more important for the students at present.

In my opinion, to think over by themshelves and try to communicate with their parents are two good ways to do. What to study and how to study should be decided by the students but not the parents. Study without aims and interest is boring, that is the bad beginning of a long time study. So the students should think over what they want to do in the future and make a good plan of study. Most of the students have to be forced to study some subjects that they dislike by their parents, because they can't think on their own. Then talking with their parents is the second way to make it up. Try to tell your parents your likes and dislikes and ask them to help your develop and make use of your interest. I think, their parents will think their kids have grown up, because the kids have their own thoughts and also respect their parents.

I hope the above ideas can help the students in troule out. And wish them to have a nice time in their study life.


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