

02月28日 编辑 fanwen51.com



4、7篇确实找不到。。,其余都找到了 1.Should criminals be sent to a jail or let them do something else as punishment instead of sending into a jail? Why and give your reasons. There has long been controversy concerning the objectives of the justice system. Sending criminals to a prison seems to be a justified punishment for damages inflicted to victims or society. But currently an increasing number of people goes with the option that criminals should be given appropriate amount of community services as a substitute of correction measures. Traditionally courts sentence law violators to serve a period of time in a prison or, under some circumstances, a correction institution if the offenders are minors or the charges are not serious. Criminals, after serving their time, are discharged back to the street. Ironically many of them end up becoming victims of the law itself. For example, a forty years old man served 10 years in prison for intentional injury. Released from jail, he found himself having great trouble in making a living because he lacked new skills and knowledge for work. No place wanted him for fear of possible future wrongdoings because of his criminal record. In many cases, ex-criminals become outcasts of community and are forced to commit other crimes for revenge or other reasons. On the contrary, criminals could be changed into contributing members of the society again if given a second chance. In such cases, they perform public services under supervision making a meager but honest living. This not only cuts the expenses of keeping them in jails such as food, cloth, and numerous other costs, but also warns would-be law offenders the consequences for illegal actions. This is particularly effective for minor criminals who stand a greater chance of achieving the corrective aims. But it is no easy job to draw a fine line between those who should be given a lighter punishment and those who should be more heavily published due the nature of law under complex circumstances. Nevertheless, we should encourage more effective ways of law enforcement to protect law-abiding citizens and, at the same time, deter and punish violators at any level so that criminals would not take advantage of lighter punishments. To sum up, either sending criminals to a prison or giving them community work as another form of punishment has merits for different reasons. But we need to be clear of the goals of law and choose more effective ways of law enforcement. 2这篇跟要求内容基本一样,稍作参考吧 Some people think that university should not provide theoretical knowledge, but to give practical training benefit to society. Do you agree or disagree? Use your own experience and knowledge to support your idea. Nowhere in the world has the issue of student been so much debated as in our society. In this competitive society, ability of work and employment experience have become very important features of ordinary students' future; therefore, many people think that university should teach students the real knowledge that comes from practice and direct experience. The above point is certainly wrong; this essay will outline three reasons. The main reason is that students' study will be delayed and disadvantaged. The academic knowledge of students will be hard to make greater progress in order to practical training and employment experience. In this special period of life, students have the best memory and intellect. If they do not work hard at study, they will lose it that could be balanced by neither good employment experience nor information of outside classroom. If students choose to carefully study academic knowledge in the university, they would gain a better future. Another reason is that current knowledge of students is not enough capable to face practical training's requirements. If students are not taught professional theoretical knowledge, they just depend on the basal academic knowledge that they studied in the high school. In fact, they are really difficult to progress real practical training and gain abundant employment experience. Last but not the least reason is the professional theoretical knowledge that it is necessary to work of future. For instance, when I graduated from university, I did not have any employment experience. But, I was hired a famous network company. I could gain this work chance, only, because of my professional theoretical knowledge. In conclusion, the students ought to only study theoretical knowledge in the university. It is unnecessary to let university that provides plenty of practical training. 3.Increasing the price of petrol is the best way ...


Nowadays, students in some countries who have graduated from high school prefer to work or (TO)travel for a year before they (ATTEND)university. But in the meantime, there (HASBEEN) no consensus on whether to do it (PUBLICLY). Some people assert that (THERE ARE) many benefits to (HAVING SPECIALIZED) experience between high school life and university studies(,) while many others argue that it is more a curse than a blessing for students. Personally, I am a proponent of the former view.

Convincing arguments can be made that travel or work now (PLAYS) a pivotal role in preparation (FOR) university education. To begin with, during travel, (WE ARE PROVIDED WITH) sufficient opportunities to (EXTEND THE BORDERS OF) our horizon and to enrich our (UNDERSTANDING/ AND TO ADD TO OUR EXPERIENCES). (ADDITIONALLY), we can not only enjoy the fascinating scenery but also acquaint ourselves with cultural diversity in different region(S OF THE WORLD). (MOREOVER), it can give us plenty of useful life skills which will be essential in (THE WORKPLACE). (THESE EXCLUSIVE SKILLS) cannot be taught (EITHER) in high school (OR IN) university.

Admittedly, previous work or travel also has some (DETRIMENTAL) effects on students. Obviously, it can avert students' (MINDS) from study to some extent. In other words, after their (JOURNEYS), they cannot ensure that they can (BECOME) accustomed to life in (THE) university. Even so , (THESE EFFECTS) can be generally accepted because (THEY SHOULD) not be overwhelming and can be eased (EASILY AND QUICKLY).

To conclude, I would concede that (A) one-year-(WORK-)experience (AFTER HIGH SCHOOL CAN) have its (DEFICIENCIES). (HOWEVER, DESPITE THIS FACT,) it (ALSO) has the inherent advantage of affording us (RECREATIONAL AND) social skills(, AS WELL AS) extracurricular knowledge. Overall, I insist that this method should be widely advocated and fulfilled.


Some teachers say students should be organized into group study. Others argue that students should be made to study alone. What's your opinion? Education is of vital importance to the development of individuals and to the well-being of societies. Please discuss what should education consist of to meet fulfill these functions? In order to improve the quality of education, high school students should be encouraged to evaluate and criticize their teachers, but others think it will result in loss of respect and discipline in classroom. Discuss and give your opinion. Nowadays, some universities offer graduate students skills that assist them to find employment, but some people believe the main function of university should be the access to knowledge for its sake. What's your opinion? Some people think the function of university education is to prepare students for their future employment. However, others believe that it must have other important functions. Discuss and indicate what other functions the university education can provide. Some people think that the Internet can bring various kinds of information to school children, so schools and colleges are no longer playing an important role in modern education. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some people think that teaching children of different abilities together benefits everyone. But some people believe that the intelligent students should be taught separately and be given special treatment. Discuss both and give your own opinion. Computers are less helpful to children's studies. Therefore, some people say computers have a negative effect on their physical and mental development. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Schools should teach children some academic subjects which will be beneficial to their future careers. Therefore, other subjects such as music and sports are not important. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Many people use distance-learning programs, such as study material post, TV and the Internet, to study at home. However, some people think that it cannot bring the benefits as much as attending college or university. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons.


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