

03月02日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[优点和缺点作文800字]优点与缺点 每个人身上都会存在着某些优点和缺点,有人说,我讨厌自己的缺点,它几乎让我事事都失败,这是消极人的说法。而积极的人会说,就是因为有了这些缺点我才会不断地进步,走向...+阅读


The advantages of the supermarket is the area is clean , product are safe to consume , we can buy most of the grosery there without travelling here and there thus reduce a lot of our time .The disadvantage is most of the products are fixed price we cannot negotiate unlike market sometimes we can negotiate with the hawkers. Although is convenience for us , most of the times we can only find frozen products , we can't find any fresh chicken like what market selling , sometimes vegetables in supermarket is not as fresh as what the market selling . ^_^


Go to the supermarket shopping, what a superb collection of beautiful things, full category, general supermarkets will have discount information, and under the store, can go to stroll the store after shopping, it is to go to the supermarket shopping benefits, there are sure to be try activities, the general brand promotion service will hold some try activities, for example instant noodles, drinks and so on, another point is that the environment is good, havecool breeze in summer. The disadvantage is that if people,check-out will be on most of the day, and the parking spaces, if full, but also to find a parking space.



I like going to supermarket. I can buy many things in the supermarket. I can buy

food, snack, book, drink, and clothes in it. Sometimes I can sit in the handcart

before we buy things. It is interesting. I can also play in it. There are

entertainment tools for children to play in the supermarket. Every time I go to the

supermarket with my mother, I would be very happy. For me, supermarket is my kingdom.


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