

03月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com



We frequently eat out at a restaurant on occasions like going to a wedding dinner or a birthday party, or relatives from out of town coming to visit us, or just close friends spending an evening together . Our favorite restaurant called 'Green leaf 'specializes in Taiwanese food. On weekends, the restaurant is always very crowded and noisy; the waitresses are always busy carrying food. The food is not heavily spiced, yet very delicious; the prices are reasonable, too. The small children like fish balls, and like their fresh green vegetables; it is really a nice family place to eat....


My favorite restaurant is called Jiuzhouyuan, located across from Garden Community. Its fried egg cake is very famous and delectable. In addition, it has many tasteful hot and cold dishes. The reason I like Jiuzhouyan most is that I love congee and Jiuzhouyuan has a variety of congees with more than twenty flavours.



I have to say that I love the most McDonald's restaurants although where the service is not satisfactory, but the waiter agrin and food is very delicious, but sometimes is not what I ordered. And, of course, there's a lot of improvement in the service. Why (is this)? Because is the only place where I can enjoy a bottomless cups of coffee and a full day breakfast in the restaurant and there are open 24 hours a day. Thank you for McDonald's, I most love ~


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