

03月03日 编辑 fanwen51.com




Last Saturday, I got up early and helped my mother cook breakfast. Then I washed the dishes and cleaned the room. At nine o'clock I went shopping with my parents by car. There was traffic jam so the car moved slowly. It took us about an hour to get to Wal-mart. We bought lots of food and drink because we planed to go on a picnc on Sunday. In the afternoon I visited my friends and played table tennis with them. I surfed the internet and read books in the evening. It was one of my busiest day during the weekend.






A person's life record is updated. That is to say in a person's life has many times beginning and end. Every year is a new beginning, every day is a new beginning, and even every minute, every second is a new start. In the face of this world, we are doomed to vary from minute to minute, with a new face to adapt to it.I also received my new start, because of the new semester is about to begin.At the beginning of a few days ago, I have every night had to toss and turn restlessly. Because the excited? Maybe, I will meet a lot of friends, there will be more fun than a vacation stories ... ... Because of the after school care? Maybe, after school is the first day, pressure, competition will certainly increase, they can withstand? ... ... Because of holiday memories? Maybe, after school life is certainly not easy to holidays, as time passed ... ...Friends know, says: "you why should it? Take things as they come."!" However, in the face of a new beginning, mind how could calm down? A new start, would naturally want to do some preparation, with a new look to the treatment will be to all.... ... It spent a few days, the school day has finally arrived.A new beginning, naturally there will be some changes. The original classroom no longer belongs to our class, we first day. So be most willing to move to the new classroom. The blackboard is not the same, from the traditional black, into a dark green; the classroom is brighter than the original, four walls with windows on the wall has two sides; there is no longer any certificate and study section we once knew ... ...Students also have the very big change. Of course this is not just a students have grown up a lot. Is more due to pressure and mental age increases wait for a variety of reasons, make everybody is no longer a day when so playful. But love speak wrong or not changed, they chattered, like long-lost friends. Some say where to go on holiday, some complaining about vacation busy, some to work how to do ... ... Have more very person said to me:" I finally got to hear your voice again!" It seems, though the old trouble did not change, everybody was ready with a new look to meet new semester.The new term begins, renewed life records. All has become the past, why go to miss? They are merely old files. In the beginning of the new semester, a new face to face the upcoming everything, leaving no regrets, to the old record challenge is we should do, and will do. Come, let us show a new self!翻译一个人的生命纪录是被不断更新的。

也就是说在一个人的一生中有许多次开始和结束。每年是一个新的开始,每一天是一个新的开始,甚至每一分、每一秒都是新的开始。面对这瞬息万变的世界,我们注定要用新的面貌来适应它。 我也迎来了我新的开始,因为新学期即将开始。 在开学的前几天,我竟每夜都曾辗转反侧。是因为激动吗?也许吧,开学后会见到好多朋友,会有比假期多的多好玩的故事……是因为对开学后的忧虑吗?也许吧,开学后就是初一了,压力、竞争肯定都会增加,自己能否顶住呢?……是因为对假期的怀念吗?也许吧,开学后的生活肯定不如假期里轻松,奈何时光如流水一去不返…… 朋友知道后,说:“你这又何必呢?既来之,则安之嘛!”可是,面对一个新的开始,内心怎么可能会平静的下来呢?有了新的开始,自然会想要做些准备,以一个新面貌来对待将要来到的一切。

……就这样度过了几天,开学的日子终于到了。 有一个新的开始,自然会有一些改变。原来的教室不再属于我们班了,我们初一了。于是心甘情愿地搬到新的教室去了。黑板不一样了,由传统的黑色,变成了墨绿色;教室也比原来更亮了,四面墙中有两面有窗户;墙上也不再有我们曾经熟悉奖状和学习版块…… 同学也有很大的变化。当然这不仅仅是指同学们都长高了许多。更多的是由于压力大和心理年龄增加等多种原因,使大家都不再像初一时那么爱玩了。可是爱说话的毛病还是没改,大伙儿叽叽喳喳说个不停,像是多年未见的好友。有的说假期去哪儿了,有的在抱怨假期太忙,有的在打听作业时怎么做的……更有甚者对我说:“我终于又听到你的声音了!”看来,虽然老毛病没改,大家还是准备好了以新面貌来迎接新学期的。





Consider… YOU. In all time before now and in all time to come, there has never been and will never be anyone just like you. You are unique in the entire history and future of the universe. Wow! Stop and think about that. You're better than one in a million, or a billion, or a 1)gazillion…

You are the only one like you in a sea of infinity!!!

You're amazing! You're awesome! And by the way, TAG, you're it. As amazing and awesome as you already are, you can be even more so. Beautiful young people are the whimsey of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art. But you don't become "beautiful" just by virtue of the aging process.

Real beauty comes from learning, growing, and loving in the ways of life. That is the Art of Life. You can learn slowly, and sometimes painfully, by just waiting for life to happen to you. Or you can choose to accelerate your growth and intentionally devour life and all it offers. You are the artist that paints your future with the brush of today.

Paint a Masterpiece.

God gives every bird its food, but he doesn't throw it into its nest. Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to do, it's truly up to you.





真正的美丽源于生命里的学习、成长和热爱。这就是生命的艺术。你可以只听天由命, 慢慢地学,有时候或许会很痛苦。又或许你可以选择加速自己的成长,故意地挥霍生活及其提供的一切。你就是手握今日之刷描绘自己未来的艺术家。画出一幅杰作吧!



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