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[求写一篇关于饮食健康的小作文不少于200个单词英语写]Health is more important than wealth. Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career. On the contrary, poor health leads to...+阅读


下面对谷歌公司的性质和发展方面做介绍:Google is a multinational technology company located in the United States. Its business includes Internet search, cloud computing, and advertising technology. It also develops and provides a large number of Internet-based products and services. Its main profit comes from advertising services such as AdWords.In 1998, Larry Page and Sergey Brin jointly developed the Google online search engine in the student dormitory of Stanford University in the United States, and quickly spread it to information searchers around the world; on August 7, Google Inc. in the United States Mountain View, California was founded as a private joint-stock company. In the same year, patented Google PageRank.In January 2018, Tencent and Google announced that they have signed a patent cross-licensing agreement covering multiple products and technologies. On May 29, 2018, "BrandZ Global Top 100 Most Valuable Brands 2018" was released, and Google ranked first. On December 18, the "2018 World Top 500 Brands" compiled by the World Brand Lab was announced, and Google ranked second. The second place in the 2019 list of the world's 100 most valuable brands.翻译:谷歌是一家位于美国的跨国科技企业,业务包括互联网搜索、云计算、广告技术等,同时开发并提供大量基于互联网的产品与服务,其主要利润来自于AdWords等广告服务。

1998年,拉里·佩奇和谢尔盖·布林在美国斯坦福大学的学生宿舍内共同开发了谷歌在线搜索引擎,并迅速传播给全球的信息搜索者;8月7日,谷歌公司在美国加利福尼亚州山景城以私有股份公司的形式创立。同年,发明Google PageRank专利。2018年1月,腾讯和谷歌宣布双方签署一份覆盖多项产品和技术的专利交叉授权许可协议。2018年5月29日,《2018年BrandZ全球最具价值品牌100强》发布,谷歌公司名列第一位。12月18日,世界品牌实验室编制的《2018世界品牌500强》揭晓,Google排名第2位。2019年度全球最具价值100大品牌榜第二位。


丰田汽车是全球六大汽车品牌之一。TOYOTA在汽车的销售量、销售额、知名度方面均是世界一流公司之一。TOYOTA生产包括一般大众性汽车、高档汽车、面包车、跑车、四轮驱动车、商用车在内的各种汽车。其先进技术和优良品质倍受世界各地人士推崇。今天,丰田已经发展成为拥有数个车系,数十个车型和车款的庞大家族。它所含盖的车型从最低端的民用经济小汽车,一直到最高级的豪华轿车和suv。不管在世界上哪个地方制造的丰田车,都会尽力做到全球统一的丰田高质量品质,这也是为什么丰田能在全球获得成功的一个重要原因。 丰田的历史可以追溯到 1896年。那一年,29岁的丰田佐吉发明了“丰田式汽动织机”。他发明的这台织机不仅是日本有史以来第一台不依靠人力的自动织机,而且与以往织机不同的,是可以由一名挡车工同时照看3至4台机器,极大地提高了生产力。


急需 !爱马仕公司的发展史简介英文的200字!

Goes back to 1837, was born in Germany (1801), country of origin of France Thierry HERMES, the founding of his harness manufacturing company, and his first manufacturing business that is for the horse collar! In order for horses to wear the neck collar affixed, Thierry HERMES spent a lot of time and effort, meticulous, and finally in 1867 the exhibition was the world first-class business leather medal, but also laying the ground for and carry out his harness leather series a solid foundation. However, this production made with hair from the horse family business, when the advent of the car underwent a radical change, in the third generation of Charles-Emile HERMES under the control by Hermes (Hermes) has not eliminated the brink of destiny, instead, leather series and the "saddle stitch" in the trunk, creating a new style of the spirit of Hermes, so that experiences like Hermes reborn as the cause of the growth, and established the unique style of Hermes. The 1920s, Hermes (Hermes) is also actively expand the development of routes to the handbag, bag, gloves, belts, jewelry, notebooks, as well as watches, ashtrays, scarves and so on. Even in the fifth generation of the Robert DUMAS take office, even rolled out of the perfume, ties, suits, shoes, accessories, bath towels, porcelain, jewelry, men and women clothing, watches and desk ornaments series of new products, so that Hermes (Hermes) truly become a position across the whole of life on behalf of the taste. Today's Hermes (Hermes) group is divided into three systems, namely Hermes Sellier (leather goods), La Montre Hermes (watches) and Hermes Parfums (perfume); 186 stores worldwide, with 56 retail counters, in order to Hermes has always been maintained by the maintenance of taste and image, all the product design production, the pattern of each store's design, even the display cases are original custom in France only by air to the country, expect to maintain the century-old


What is the key to success in the end ? I think the answer may be not unique,Different people have different thoughts. Everyone wishes to be successful in life.It is widely believed that some people are born lucky and successful, because they possess high intelligence. But this is not true. High intelligence is not equal to success. Success lies in not only the intelligence factors but also the non-intelligence factors. In my opinion, opportunity is a part of success. Many great people found great things by chance. can be It is true some of and don't come a brings successes unexpected often.An won help just becausefindings.butOpportunities opportunitypromise but never realizes it on its own.Hardworking, which is an useful way to success. It is necessary forus.Hardworking, which is means we will try our best to do the things. Therefore, I think success is brought about both by innate intelligence factors and by non-intelligence factors.


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