

03月12日 编辑 fanwen51.com





Benefits: encourage students to study hard, to accumulate knowledge. On the development of the society and citizen's overall quality has a significant role in promoting.

The downside: lead to students' practice ability is poor, low grades; students receive from big mental pressure, of course, pressure also has certain advantages, but the negative effect is bigger.


My dream

As we all know,everyone has a dream.My dream is to be an outstanding baker.When I was a little boy/girl,I was interested in bread and cake.I want to has a bakery of my own when I grew up.I am sure that all the people will like my product and my bakery will be opened all over the world because I am very hard-working and confident.So in order to achieve my dream,I will study harder and never give up my career.


first,help us to be a decent man .this is is the primary goal of education,and it is also of great impportance to everyone of us .most of our value is formed through learning ,thus education can provide a significant role in telling us what is right and what is wrong ,and guide us to persue the kind of life we love

second ,to teach us some techniques,via which we can make a living .the sociaty is a large machine ,it needs all kinds of parts to make it run,everyone is one of those parts ,to do so,we must have something to offer.

急求一篇英语作文 :why should terminate testoriented education

Why should terminate test-oriented education?

test-oriented education was very popular on the history of our nation.with the development of our education,more and more people is starting to know the disadvantage of it.Such as it brings much pressure to the teens that they cannot grow up healthily.

Then what causes the test-oriented education ? I think it is the college entrance exam competition.Every partent hopes his or her children has a bright future,so the make them to study harder,though some of them know it is bad for their children's health.

Then how to slove this problem?

In my opinion,the government should reform the education to cancle the test-oriented education,to make every teen grows up healthily.after all,the growing healthily is the first important thing in people's life.


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