

03月14日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[求一篇写人的半命题作文我眼中的]小时候,我眼中的妈妈是一颗糖。 不知道是我太贪吃,还是小孩都这样。小时候,我是一个超级爱糖的小孩儿。无论是硬糖、奶糖、巧克力糖,我都来者不拒,甚至是白砂糖,我也不放过。那时...+阅读


my mother my mother is about 40 years old,she is a housewife.she not only does the housework but also takes care of my whole family's diet.my mother is a kind person and she always smiale to the people she faced.i love her very much,because she slways prepare my meals and teach me homework.i will study hard and find a good job in the future and let my mother have a good life.


My day

This is my day. I'm very busy, but very happy. I got up at 6:45. I had breakfast at 7:10 with my parents. I said "Good morning!" to my parents. My parents smiled. I went to school at 7:30. I said "Hello! Good morning!" to my friends. I had English class at 8:40.At noon, I had lunch. In the evening, I had dinner at 6:30. I did my homework at 7:00. I went to bed at 10:00.This is my day!





My Mother

My mother is an teacher. She works from Monday to Saturday. She's busy everyday. My mother is pretty. She has short hair, a round face, two big eyes, a big nose and a big mouth.

My mother watches TV everyday, because she likes watching TV very much. She likes math,and She always teaches me math at night.

She usually gets up at 6:40. Then she cooks breakfast for me. It is very delicious. She goes to work at 7:35. She goes to work by car.

This is my mother. I love her forever.


Choicing which univserty wo will go to is diffcult.Every one has his own idea and it is diffcult to decide.

Thirty-five percent think interests are the mother of successa ,and they say interests are the best teachers.Learning what we are not interested in is very badly.Forty-five percent say interests can be changed.we had better learn what is neccesary in the society for looking for a good job after we granduate. The others think it is so diffcult to decide that we do what as parents and teachers say.

However,I think we can consider it from every sides,including interests , requirement of the society,the ideas of parents and teachers.Then we will have a final answers to find a good university.



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