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[快乐的暑假生活作文关于快乐暑假的作文]快乐的暑假生活作文是写对于个人事件的作文,关于快乐暑假的作文要描述生动,得到老师的好评,以下是由毕业生范文网小编提供暑假真让我快乐作文_暑假趣事作文200字阅读。 快乐的...+阅读


I had a happy summer holiday because I did many interesting things.

I went to the beach and I swam in the sea.I called my friend and played with them.I visited my grandparents and ate much delicious food.

Then I went to the zoo whit my sister.I was very happy.Because I saw a lot of animals.They were very lovely.So I took photos of all animals.I liked the butterflies best.They were colourful and beautiful.My sister liked it too.

I had a wonderful summer holiday this year.






In July 1, I and my mother to mall, we bought new clothes, we also buy the shoes, and then we go to the supermarket to buy some ice cream, meat, beverages, salads and other foods, In order to prepare for tomorrow's party, and then to 5:00 we go home.在7月1日,我和妈妈去购物中心购物,我们买了新的衣服,我们还去买了鞋子,然后我们去超市买了些冰激淋,肉类,饮料,沙拉等食物,为了明天的派对做准备,然后到了5点我们回家。In July 2, I get up very early to begin preparations with her mother and father, I helping decoration, cleaning the house my father, my mother prepared meals, by noon, parents of friends, and everyone eating delicious meals , Happy to chat, afternoon some singing, some together for shopping, playing very pleased.在7月2日,我很早起床,开始和爸爸妈妈一起准备,我帮着装饰,爸爸打扫屋子,妈妈准备饭菜,到了中午,爸爸妈妈的朋友来了,大家吃着美味的饭菜,开心的聊天,下午大家有的唱歌,有的一起去购物,玩得很高兴。

In the July 23, my good friend birthday. I bought a large delivery of her baby, and several friends to celebrate with him. We eat lunch in Louisville, Kentucky, and then we go to amusement parks. Play the 2,125,000 vehicles, roller coaster, Ferris wheel, and so on. We played very pleased. We evening in his home after eating meals, playing games.在7月23日,我的好朋友生日。我买了一个大的娃娃送个她,我和几个朋友一起为他庆祝。我们在肯德基吃午饭,然后我们去游乐园。玩了碰碰车,过山车,摩天轮等。我们玩得很高兴。晚上我们在他家里吃完饭,玩了些小游戏。


Hello,I am from China.And I have a friend and he's from Canada,he is a medium student,too.he wants to know"How Did I Spend the Summer Vacation".Now,I will tell him.

First,I shall play sport to hard.

Second ,I can interes and need for study.

Third,I can help my mom do her housework.

Please tell me about your vacation!


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