

03月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[高中语文作文范文]其实,每个人的心里都有一片戈壁滩,而我们一生的事业就是让那里开满鲜花。 ——题记 快乐的人生,也会有痛苦,有的人能直面挫折,化解痛苦,而有的人却常常夸大挫折,放大痛苦。不一样的...+阅读


Nov. 14th, 2011Dear Li Ning, I have been back in China now, and how is everything there in London? I am happy to have been with you in London. On behalf my family, I want to say thanks to you for your thoughtful entertainment. We had a very good time playing in London. We have really enjoyed the beautiful scenes and delicious food there, and I will never forget them in my life. Our country, China is also a very famous touring country, too. If you have chances to come here, I am sure that you will love it, too. I am here waiting for your coming to China. That's all for now. May you have a happy day every day. yours truely, Wang Ming


我老师说明的一篇高中英语范文(临时翻译的,献丑了): My Neighborhood(我的社区) My neighborhood is located in the north part of the city. (我的社区在这座城市的北部。)The transportation is convenient as it's only a few minutes' walk to the bus or subway station.(那里的交通非常便利,因为从那里到公交或者地铁站,只需要走几分钟的路。)It's eauipped with a great many facilities for study and entertainment such as the library and the sports centre.(我的社区配套了大量的公共设施用于学习和娱乐,比如图书馆和体育中心。) Besides,(除此之外,)large supermarkets and shopping malls are within the walking dietance of my neighborhood.(我的社区距离大型超市和购物大厦只有几步路的距离。)There are security guards walking around day and night to make sure the neighborhood is safe.(为了保证社区的安全,保安们早晚不停地巡逻。

)What impresses me most is that the people living in here are enthusiastic and helpful.(最使我印象深刻的是,住在这里的群众都很热情并且乐于助人。)The only thing I'll complain about is that sometimes it is a little bit noisy as it's close to the city centre.(我唯一能抱怨的就是,因为它靠近市中心所以有点吵。) To sum up,(总的来说,)my neighborhood is so impressive that once you move in,you"ll never want to move out.(我的社区令人印象很深刻,以至于只要你搬了进来,你就绝不想搬走。)


Dream and Reality The beautiful legeng ,Chang'e flying to zhe moon, implies the dream of Chinese to explore the Moon . For thousands of years ,we Chinese have been working hard for it one generation after another . The moon orbiter ,Chang'e One,is named after the fairy . And the successful launch marks the nation's first step towards realizing its dream of exploring the Moon. Indeed,I've got to learn a lot from this historycal event . First of all ,we need dreams in our life ,for they are the primitive drive to everything .Then we should follow our dreams and nevergive up.At the same time we have to be aware that the path to any success may not be easy to go though .Yet whatever we do ,we should believe “Where there is a will ,there is a way ." And then try our best to make our dreams come true. 梦想和现实 嫦娥奔月的美丽传说暗示着中国人民探索月球的梦想。几千年来,我们中国人一代又一代地 为这个梦想努力着。

嫦娥一号月球探测器就是以这个神话故事命名的。嫦娥一号的成功发射标志着中华民族实现探月梦想的第一步。 的确,我从这个历史事件中学到了很多。首先,我们的生活需要梦想,因为梦想是一切事情的原动力。然后我们要坚持梦想,永远不要放弃。同时我们必须认识到通往任何成功的路并不是平坦的。然而,不论我们做什么,我们应该相信“有志者,事竟成”,进我们所能使我们的梦想成为现实。 Please Give up Smoking Now we often see young men smooking in public places .They think smooking is a pleasure . How silly they are ! Reports show several millions of people die from smoking all over the world every year .Smoking all over the world evevry year .Smoking can cause a lot of illness. Smoking is also the way leading the youth from bad to worse . In order to get money for smoking,some students take away the money from their parents'pockets.Some of them even steal money from others. As we all know , smookers can't go on with their work without cigarettets.And the more they smoke,the worse their health will be. Smoking is our dangerous enemy. Please give up smoking as soon as possible. 请戒烟吧 现在我们经常会看到年轻人在公共场所抽烟。

他们认为抽烟是一种乐趣。他们多么愚蠢呀! 报道显示全世界每年有几百万人死于吸烟。抽烟会引起许多疾病。


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