
以 a true friend为题的作文

03月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com


以 a true friend为题的作文

Everyone needs friends. A friend can give us help and share our difficulties and happiness. But how can we make friends? I think the best way is to get along with your classmates.

Then, comes the second question. How to get along with your classmates? I have a good idea.

Frist,you must friendly to every body.for example,if you borrow a pen to somebody,you must said do you mind if I lend this pen?When he say yes please,you can do it.In conclusion,you should be very polite.

Second,you have to be generosity,thus your friends will think you are so recognition to themselves.

Third, friends should negotiate instead of quarrel. When you don't agree someone, please discuss with him.

Finally,you need to realize your friends or some people.Know about theirs hobby , habitat or living conditions and so on.Such as their accommodation,folk,likes doing something.

初中英语作文题目 a true

there is no dout that life is a long race where we compete with each other to go beyond ourseleves.therefore,a true friend is of great importance .

In the past few years ,i had a good friend,who gave me many help on my way to college.At that time,she helped me at study on my poor subject .my English was very poor in the past.she woke me up at five o'clock,I recite English words every morning.what's more,she stayed up late to underline key point for me .I'm grateful for her.As far as i'm concerned,we're true friends.

in my opinion ,a true friend is like a stick to our success.as a person ,we all need a true friend.


A ture friend作文

This Is A Ture Friend In my opinion, A forever friend,this is when you're alone, he will accomparry you; when difficult times,he will help you;when you are sad when the trouble will comfort you,make you happy.......this is a true friend. In fact, to find a friend is really really hard, Truth-seeking mind, rather than seek material. Sincere true friend first .two had sincere treatment ,mutual tolerance, communication ,so you will only feel happy life full.Because you need not worry, you have only personal experience will be some perception. Yes! In the eyes of each. Although someone who changes your life just by being part of it. I want to have many such friends.


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