
谁帮我写 talk to myself的作文

03月18日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[谁帮我写个入职感言]范文 我来到xx虽然只有一个月的时间,但在这短短的一个月里,却让我感到公司领导对工作的精益求精,不断创新,对员工的无微不至------让我感到加入xx是幸运的。能成为公司的一员,我...+阅读

谁帮我写 talk to myself的作文

My Life in Ten Years

Ten years later, I am a mother and a full-time house wife.I'm a little fat.I have roll hair

and wear the fashional clothes.Of course,I wear high heels.Besides,I have a husband and

a 4-year-old lovely girl.

My husband is a handsome and honest man.He works in the bank.He works very hard

and has a high salary every month.He is really diligent so his boss often speaks favourably

of him.Every year he will get year-end-bounds.I'm also happy with hhim.

My daughter is a so cute girl.She has two big eyes and a small mouth.She likes smiling.

I often stay with her home.In most of the time,I often teach her Chinese and watch TV

together.Sometimes, I take her to the park, letting her play with other kids.At that time,

I always sit on the long chair, looking at my daughter with the warm sunshine.I'll feel

very happy.

My house is next to the bank where my husband work so that he can have enough time

to have breakfast and he need not hurry every day.There are one bid bedroom and one

small bedroom, a parlour and a small kitchen.In my house there are some decorations

somewhere.Because I like.In our bedroom we decorate one oil painting over our bed

and a bounch of flower on the desk.My husband bought a computer because of the work need.

In spare time, I together with my husband and my girl, often go to the zoo to see some

animals.In fact, because my daughter like seeing animals.But sometimes we go to the nearly

park to have a rest, enjoying our time.

This is my life in ten years.I think I'll be happy.


about myself作文

about myself: I called william ho, I was born on 14th August, 1992, and my friend usually calls me yanki. I am studying at Lingnan University diploma courses now. I am lived with my family in Tsuen Wan, My favorite color is light blue, as it is like on behalf of the sky. People have a feeling there is hope. My most favored by film is TITANIC, although this film has been a long time, the films story is very romantic. Until now are tied me very memorable. My family: My family has mom, dad and I. I have no brothers or sisters. My mother is a housewife who takes care of my family. My father was a textile company, and he is a mainstay of the family. I really love my family! As my family always give me anything. For example, Certificate of Education Examination results when I do poorly, but my family did not abandon me, and continue to give me the opportunity to study. So I decided that I must strive to Reading, to find a good job in the future to repay my family My Interest: 1) My interest is reading, because reading to convince me to learn more knowledge, 2) with friends, such as watching movies, shopping... I feel that with friends can ease the pressure, and very happy, there is no pressure! So I treasure the time together with friend

谁能帮我写 A Talk to Myself这篇英语60字作文

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