

03月19日 编辑 fanwen51.com

[写景的文章300字]题目:幸福四季 每一季都是幸福的。 春天的清风拂着纤枝蔓腰的杨柳,我和家人来到郊外赏春。 夏日的鸣蝉唱着了无止境的音符,我和家人喝着冷饮避夏。 秋天的枫叶跳着承接夏日的舞...+阅读


the imperial palace is also called forbidden city,it was first started building in 1407,and cost two hundred thousand workers for fourteen years,and,completed in 1420.all its palaces consist of 9999 rooms."9" is recognized as a favorable number in china. these days,the imperial palace opens to chinese students freely on tuesdays.there are treasures which have more than five thousand years' history.you can take a look if you are doubting.


The Palace Museum is also called the Forbidden City,which started to be built in 1407.It took 200,000 people fourteen years to build it.It was finished in 1420.There are 9,999 rooms in all the palaces.In China,nine is regarded as a lucky number traditionally.At present,it is free for Chinese students to visit every Tuesday.The Palace Museum has treasures of over 5,000 years' history.


This is a beautiful spot with exuberant(茂盛的) wood and grass at the foot of the West Hill in the western outskirts(郊区) of Beijing. From the Ming Dynasty on, many high-taste nobles built their private gardens in this place. In the Qing Dynasty perhaps because the Manchu aristocrats(贵族) who had just left their forests and grassland had not accommodated(适应) themselves to the environment of the palaces, they built great imperial gardens there. The Summer Palace that has survived calamities(灾难) in history is one of those architectural masterpieces. This is a marvellous conception of a paradise(天堂) on the earth: The Long Corridor and the Seventeen Arch Bridge are like ribbons. They frame the Kunming Lake and turn it into a beautiful picture. With the Buddha Fragrance Chamber on the Longevity Hill as the highlight, the lake and mountains become a lively whole. The West Hill and the pagoda(塔) on top of the Jade Spring Hill blot out the limit of the garden and fuse it into an open expense. Spring in the Summer Palace is merrily colourful, the summer is leisurely exuberant, the autumn sentimentally bright and winter sober, tranquil(宁静的) and clean. The beauty of the Summer Palace is kaleidoscopic(千变万化的). First you enter spacious courtyards. Their owners have long passed away, but the peonies(牡丹), crabapples and magnolias (木兰) that have survived them still beam in elegance. Walking out the grandiose imperial courtyards, through the Long Corridor while enjoying the misty lake, along the scarcely traversed West Dike(堤) and the ride in the forest, you suddenly spot the dream-like Jade Belt Bridge... With elapse of time those roaming around the Kunming Lake are no more imperial relatives or nobles, but the common people. The beauty of the Summer Palace, however, is timeless. Year after year people greet the spring with the willow branches at the Spring Discerning Pavilion, sink into meditation facing lotus in a kiosk of the Garden of Harmonious Delights, and whisper with the frosted leaves at the tranquil back hill... Rain or shine, the Summer Palace is always enchanting. The beauty of the Summer Palace is, of course, deliberated. The pavilions, kiosks, terraces, bridges, dikes, corridors are crystallisation of the thousand-year old Chinese landscape gardening. The scenic spots contain a nation?謘s profound philosophical and aesthetic tradition. The Summer Palace was not built for public benefit, but through the turbulent(动乱的) century, the Summer Palace has been displaying the height a civilisation once reached to people of different times and origins. On 2 December 1998 the Summer Palace was listed in the World Legacy(遗产) of United Nations. The council of the World Legacy remarked, Chinese imperial gardens with the Summer Palace as a representative is a convincing symbol of one of the great world civilisations.


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